Write a paper discussing how computer databases and information networks may be useful in criminal investigations. And how crime analysis may be useful as a tool in criminal investigations e.g., home burglary, auto theft, or other crimes.

Criminal Justice

Write a paper discussing how computer databases and information networks may be useful in criminal investigations. And how crime analysis may be useful as a tool in criminal investigations e.g., home burglary, auto theft, or other crimes.

Be detailed no wasted paragraphs with descriptivism’s, just have a high-quality paper, free of spelling and grammatical errors, and of original work. Plagiarism will not be permitted. APA Format.

Describe the seven crisis intervention strategies for a crisis. Find one or more scenarios online that have examples of these strategies and use them as references in your paper.

Crisis Intervention Strategy Case Study

In a 5- to 7-page paper , describe the seven crisis intervention strategies for a crisis. Find one or more scenarios online that have examples of these strategies and use them as references in your paper.

Your paper should include:

A listing and description of the seven crisis intervention strategies associated with trauma.
Explanations of how the seven crisis intervention strategies can be applied in a crisis.
Examples and/or recommendations of how the seven crisis intervention strategies have been and/or should be used within a scenario situation.

Could there have been any sort of collusion between either of the two boys with one or more of the witnesses?

Serial Episode Six
Listen to the Serial Episode and post a thoughtful question in our class forum as described in the Syllabus.  Some of the subjects in this episode related to the legal aspects of evidence and procedure include the following:
Credibility of witnesses
Police Interrogation of suspects
What would a sociopath’s response sound like?
“Admit nothing, deny everything, demand proof” defense
Respond thoughtfully to at least one other student’s question as described in the Syllabus.
The contrasting stories of Laura and the neighbor boy seem to further the divide between the two possible versions of events: what Jay says happened and what Adnan says happened. The question that raises for me is this: could there have been any sort of collusion between either of the two boys with one or more of the witnesses?

Discuss the current social problems that are of greatest concern to you and what ideas you have by which they might be addressed or prevented.

Instructions for personal statement: Complete a personal statement . Use the outline provided below. Remember, the School of Social Work is evaluating your unique qualities, capacities, preparation, and suitability for professional work in the field. Answer each question fully. Failure to address the points below will affect the rating of your overall application. This information will become part of your file.
1. Discuss your interest and career objectives in Social Work.
2. Discuss the current social problems that are of greatest concern to you and what ideas you have by which they might be addressed or prevented.
3. Describe any special knowledge or experience you may have gained about socially and/or economically disadvantaged communities or other special populations. Examples include: ethnic minorities, gays and lesbians, members of rural communities, the elderly, persons with special needs, children and youth, the homeless, etc. Discuss the method by which this knowledge and/or experience was gained: (1) paid employment or volunteer work; (2) special training or coursework; or (3) by having lived in one of these communities.
4. Describe the extent of your involvement in volunteer activities and/or paid work experience that would demonstrate your capacity to assume leadership roles, i.e., program administration, training and supervision of others, and community organizing.
5. Include any additional information that you feel might be helpful to the School of Social Work in assessing your qualifications for professional Social Work education.

Do you believe he is a “serial killer”? Explain your position by using evidenced based material from the case, video, outside information, Supreme Ct. cases

Critical Response: “Race,” Nation, and Sport in Canada: Black Masculinities and Sporting Cultures

This is the video… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCnW7H_2PVs

Craig Price was convicted of killing four people including two children in the late 80’s in the Buttonwoods section of Warwick, Rhode Island. After watching the video and researching the Craig Price case, do you believe he is a “serial killer”? Explain your position by using evidenced based material from the case, video, outside information, Supreme Ct. cases, etc. Remember that evidenced based material must support your opinions/position.


Explore and discuss your primary and secondary motivation for wanting to rehabilitate and counsel criminal justice offenders.

Practitioner Reflection Paper

Explore and discuss your primary and secondary motivation for wanting to rehabilitate and counsel criminal justice offenders. You should be prepared to discuss your own values and beliefs and how these values and beliefs shape your understanding of what it means to be an effective Criminal Justice practitioner who works with offenders in a therapeutic manner.

You will be required to candidly discuss specific areas of professional development/improvement and how you intend to successfully address these areas to become a more effective CJ professional.


Why is it still considered deviant behavior by so many lawmakers? Do you think it is deviant behavior, or have you changed your mind one way or another and why did you change your mind? Discuss.

According to polls, most Americans favor the legalization of recreational marijuana. Why is it still considered deviant behavior by so many lawmakers? Do you think it is deviant behavior, or have you changed your mind one way or another and why did you change your mind? Discuss.