Organize the main points of your speech using an informative pattern of organization.

An informative speaker shares information with others to enhance their knowledge or understanding of a particular topic. Most adult audiences enjoy information that is relevant to their own lives and needs.
This assignment will give you the opportunity to gain experience speaking extemporaneously, to narrow a topic and organize content using a pattern of organization, and to orally cite sources of supporting material.
⦁ Select a topic which allows you to inform your audience of a significant aspect of a culture that is different than your own. Possible topics include social customs, family traditions, holidays, clothing, food, religious traditions, and sporting activities. Refer to Chapter 7 of your text as a guide.
⦁ Research your topic. Be imaginative in choosing content for your speech. It is not enough to simply summarize basic information from the Internet about a country or culture. Narrow the topic by selecting one specific aspect on which to focus your ideas.
⦁ Organize the main points of your speech using an informative pattern of organization.

How would you evaluate the group’s listening and engagement skills? Did the group make decisions? Did any participants change their expressed views or their votes during the meeting? Did those with dissenting opinions get an opportunity to voice their objections?

Meeting Evaluation Essay

How would you describe the leader’s ability to clearly state the meeting’s goals and to engage members in a meaningful discussion? Was an agenda given and followed? How well did you feel the meeting was managed? If there were any guest speakers there, how well did they communicate? Be specific.

How would you evaluate the group’s listening and engagement skills? Did the group make decisions? Did any participants change their expressed views or their votes during the meeting? Did those with dissenting opinions get an opportunity to voice their objections? How well did the individual participants listen? Be specific.

Did you observe any communications barriers? How would evaluate the space? Were there issues of volume or language or technology that prevented things from being heard? Were people paying attention? Was it a good time of day to hold a meeting? Be specific.

What are the most critical factors needed for teams to work effectively? How can these factors be applied in a practical, everyday manner in the context of a virtual team?

The Role of Communication & Trust for Effective Virtual Teams

Teamwork and effective methods of people working together in organizations have been studied extensively for decades. But with the advent of Internet technology that allows teams to work virtually and rarely meet together, new dynamics within teams have emerged that have only been studied until recently.

Read the scholarly articles below.

Then answer the following questions:

What are the most critical factors needed for teams to work effectively?

How can these factors be applied in a practical, everyday manner in the context of a virtual team?

The researchers argue that “a social network approach is potentially more appropriate than attribute-based approaches.” What does this mean?

What is a “mediating model” as described by the researchers?

How can you apply this research to your role as a team member in this course?

What is President Bush’s task at hand? More generally, in times of crisis, what are the core framing tasks of a leader? Does his framing accomplish that task? What is good or bad about it?

In the clip, President George W. Bush is addressing the construction workers and firefighters at Ground Zero only three days after the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001. In the middle of his remarks, someone from the crowd yelled that he can’t hear him. Notice Bush’s spontaneous framing of “the situation here and now” from that point, and discuss the following questions:

What is President Bush’s task at hand? More generally, in times of crisis, what are the core framing tasks of a leader?
Does his framing accomplish that task? What is good or bad about it?
Does Bush have more than one audience in this speech? If so, who might also be making attributions of leadership?
How does President Bush use that information to frame his message?


Demonstrate advancing leadership skills in order to allow individuals to lead across disciplines and environments.

Review the MSL Applied Case Study again . Where do the concepts we’ve studied in this class emerge in the case? Select three areas of focus from our course content. In what ways are the concepts you’ve selected demonstrated in the case? The demonstration of the content might be in a positive or negative manner – you decide. Based on what you know now, recommend one course of action. Use specific examples to support your work.

Prepare a 4-6 page paper to present your analysis and application of the course content to the applied case. Incorporate references from our course texts to support your work.

Course content/goals:
Apply leadership concepts to enhance critical thinking and problem-solving in real-world settings.
Demonstrate advancing leadership skills in order to allow individuals to lead across disciplines and environments.
Apply collaborative skills to leadership processes.
Demonstrate ethical leadership skills in accordance with Ignatian values.
Demonstrate effective communication skills for personal and organizational leadership.
Demonstrate deliberate reflective practice as a means for professional formation.

Why did you choose those specific things? If you have had experience with natural disasters affecting your place of employment, did this influence you?

Read the following scenario and respond to the discussion prompts.

A massive natural disaster has hit your hospital’s community. It has caused severe damage to the facility, but it is still functioning. Access is limited and is closely monitored by police and hospital security. Patient care is still occurring, and your hospital has lost 1/3 of its staff due to personal loss, creating an inability to come to work.

List four (4) actions you can do immediately  to support your department and facility in this time of crisis.
Why did you choose those specific things? If you have had experience with natural disasters affecting your place of employment, did this influence you?


How might cultural differences impact your ability to communicate clearly and effectively with others? What can you do to ensure messages are clearly exchanged with others?

Large medical facility

You are working in a large medical facility. You work with several doctors and nurses from other cultures. How might cultural differences impact your ability to communicate clearly and effectively with others? What can you do to ensure messages are clearly exchanged with others?

Would you judge Secretary Clinton’s response as an emotionally intelligent one?Explain.

In August of 2009, then U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke at a press conference in the country of Congo in Central Africa. During the interview, one of the questions asked upset her. Although the questioner said afterwards that he misspoke, it did not lessen the drama of the situation. Watch the clip (1:00 mintue) and pay close attention to Secretary Clinton’s emotions.

Discuss the questions below:

How does the emotion shown by Secretary Clinton credit or discredit her position as leader?
Would you judge Secretary Clinton’s response as an emotionally intelligent one? Please explain.
How could Secretary Clinton frame her response so that it gave the same or similar message without the edge? Is it likely to have been more effective or less?