What are the critical characteristics for our new minister? Is preaching the most important?

The Church Search

“Well, you could always turn to that old saying of God opening a window when he closes a door,” countered Jason. “I’m not happy that Joe left either, but it was a great opportunity for him—we can’t begrudge him wanting new challenges. And maybe this provides new opportunities for our congrega-tion—perhaps we’ve become a bit complacent with Joe’s ministry, and this is just what we need to

even were gathered around the table, all members of a midsized congregation of a Protestant church. Their longtime pastor had recently accepted a calling to a new church, and these seven had been selected as the search committee for the new pastor. They had a lot of work ahead of them and chose Nancy to head the committee. She got straight to the point.

“OK,” said Nancy. “Let’s get to work. We need to start by developing a profile of our church and con-gregation. Who we are, what we do, and where we think we’re going? And then we need to think care-fully about what kind of pastor we want for our future. What are the critical characteristics for our new minister? Is preaching the most important? Evan-gelism? Spiritual development? Community service and social justice? And then we need to think about the questions we’ll ask when we get to the interview process. Who will be involved? What kinds of activi-ties should we include? And then we need to think about how we’ll welcome the new pastor once we make a decision about who it will be. And then …”

What ideas did you generate when you cleared space in your day/mind by removing that something over the last week? How can you use this in your workplace to generate new ideas?

Weiss, J. . The innovation mismatch: “Smart capital” and education innovation. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from https://hbr.org/2011/03/the-innovation-mismatch-smart.

Center on Developing Child, Harvard University – Building Adult Capabilities to Improve Child Outcomes: A Theory of Change .

Topic: Describe Innovation Theory

Select one question from the readings to reflect on and one question from the video(s) to reflect on within the Discussion Board. Respond to both prompts of your choice in a single discussion board post.

Questions from Readings: What ideas did you generate when you cleared space in your day/mind by removing that something over the last week? How can you use this in your workplace to generate new ideas?

Question from Video: How can innovation theory help solve social justice problems in our world?

Write 1-2 paragraphs that highlight your selection, why you chose it, and what opportunities you see for it. Seek approval from your leadership team to conduct the upcoming session.

Improvement thought
Innovation Workshop Phase
1: Select a process, product, service, project, initiative, system, or another thing at your place of employment that you feel is in need of innovative change.

Write 1-2 paragraphs that highlight your selection, why you chose it, and what opportunities you see for it. Seek approval from your leadership team to conduct the upcoming session.

Greater more fluid technology communication

Explain how you would adjust your own perceptions and sense of identity and effective communication in order to include this person in your own life as a friend.

Intercultural knowledge and competence

You may use an actual friendship in your life, or you may answer this prompt hypothetically
Draft a well-organized five-paragraph essay that declares a thesis statement and clearly answers the following prompts:
Compare and contrast your own perceptions of identity and effective communication with the perceptions of identity and effective communication often held by people in this other cultural group that you have chosen
Explain how you would adjust your own perceptions and sense of identity and effective communication in order to include this person in your own life as a friend. What are some things you would do to best communicate your own ideas, wants, and needs with a person from this particular culture? What are some things you would do to better understand and honor your friend’s ideas, wants, and needs?
Explain why dual perspective, as described by Wood is an important part of this process for you?

Review a particular health or social issue that might benefit from an Entertainment Education campaign and what, if anything, has been done in the past to address this issue through entertainment.

Entertainment strategies

Review a particular health or social issue that might benefit from an Entertainment Education campaign and what, if anything, has been done in the past to address this issue through entertainment.

You will identify your chosen issue, demonstrate why the issue is important, how it has been portrayed/addressed in the past in entertainment and why you believe they were successful…or not successful or a combination , why you feel the issue would benefit from an entertainment education campaign, and justify your rationale for why.

Show your sources for any research about the issue, its prevalence, etc.

How prominent is “phubbing” in your life? What about among your friends and loved ones?How often do you “phub”?

Communication: the way we talk and listen to each other, including the words we choose, the tone with which we say them and our body language.
Read the following article ‘Phubbing’ Is Hurting Your Relationships. Here’s What it is.
Jamie Ducharme, time.com, March 29, 2018 http://time.com/5216853/what-is phubbing/
Once you’ve finished reading, discuss the following with a classmate:
1. How prominent is “phubbing” in your life? What about among your friends and loved ones?
2. How often do you “phub”?
3. Do you think “phubbing” negatively effects your communication?
4. What can you do to “phub” less?

What processes currently exist for implementing change? How will these processes need to be updated for the proposed change?

A. Create Urgency

1. Describe a plan to create urgency within the organization and convince stakeholders that this change needs to take place.

2. What processes currently exist for implementing change? How will these processes need to be updated for the proposed change?

3. Describe the strategy you will use to get support from your employees. How will this strategy be effective?

B. Build a Guiding Coalition

1. Identify who should be involved in this guiding coalition. Provide rationale for each choice. Kotter likes 50% leaders and 50% managers with experience, while others prefer the composition to be 33% leaders, 33% managers, and 33% informal leaders, but you can assemble the guiding
coalition as you see fit.
2. Determine steps you can take to ensure commitment from those involved. Describe those steps.

Critically evaluate anthropological perspectives of community leadership, altruism, and community action.

International impact through pratice

Critically evaluate anthropological perspectives of community leadership, altruism, and community action.
Reflect on and discuss best practice in community leadership within an international context
Apply social capital theory and practice in an international context
Apply and critically evaluate the concepts of citizenship in an international context

What is the best idea you have had and what is the most successful, if they are the same, how did you accomplish that? If not, what happened?

Class: Innovation and Adapting change Change
Style : APA
Tharp: pages 1-59
Title: The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life
Author: Twyla Tharp
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Publication Date: 2006
ISBN-10: 0743235266

Sawhney, M. & Khosla, S.  Managing Yourself: Where to Look for Insight -The insights that feed innovation can be found through seven channels. Harvard Business Review, 92(11), 125-129).

Select one question from the readings to reflect on and one question from the video(s) to reflect on within the Discussion Board. Respond to both prompts of your choice in a single discussion board post.

What is the best idea you have had and what is the most successful, if they are the same, how did you accomplish that? If not, what happened?
Answer: Creation of a Youth Civics Program, Connected youth in community together through art and history created a mentorship that still is present today. Established 8 years ago

Video: How would you describe change leadership or change management as being more or less difficult than the other?

To what extent does this example illustrate why firms in some concentrated oligopolies exhibit cooperative or collusive behavior even though they don’t explicitly collude?

Why firms in some concentrated oligopolies exhibit cooperative 

To what extent does this example illustrate why firms in some concentrated oligopolies exhibit cooperative or collusive behavior even though they don’t explicitly collude?

Describe at least two benefits to companies implementing corporate social responsibility  and shared value strategies. Include at least two examples of companies that have adopted CSR or shared value, and discuss how they benefited from them. Your response should be at least 150–225 words in length.