Explain what it means to be ethical as it relates to personal, academic, and professional growth. Provide at least one ethical dilemma you have encountered, and describe how the issue was resolved.

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, review the Week 2 required resources that focus on ethics and morals. This will assist you in examining your own development of ethical and moral responsibilities.

Read the articles:

A Global Ethics for a Globalized World
Virtue Ethics and Modern Society
Classical Stoicism and the Birth of a Global Ethics: Cosmopolitan Duties in a World of Local Loyalties
Responsibilities of an Educated Person by jwood00
Moral Education for a Society in Moral Transition
Decision Procedures for Ethics: DEAL Carrying on Without Resolution
Take a deeper look at your own life and determine which experiences have inspired ethical and moral reasoning. Were there any huge influences in this process?

Explain what it means to be ethical as it relates to personal, academic, and professional growth.
Provide at least one ethical dilemma you have encountered, and describe how the issue was resolved.
Describe how your general education courses have influenced your ethical values.

Explain what is meant by green marketing and provide examples of businesses following green practices.

Not Applicable Marginal Good
1. On each page: Student Name, ID Number, Course Number, Course Title, and Unit Number.
2. Responses typed, using a standard font, 12-point type size, double-spaced, with overall neatness and readability.
3. Restatement of the question and question number .
Writing Assignment Evaluation
1. Student used standard essay format: Introduction/Body/Conclusion.
2. Student demonstrated proper use of grammar, spelling, punctuation, citation style, etc.
3. Student demonstrated an understanding of course content and key concepts, as discussed in the text.
4. Student was able to examine, assess, evaluate, and/or analyze course content and key concepts.
5. Student provided a clear and well-developed response to the question.

Answer the following question: Explain what is meant by green marketing and provide examples of businesses following green practices.


Why should this be explored as an ethical question? How might the company want to think about the role of business in society?

Southern water Ethical issues

a) You are required to write a brief report for senior managers at the case of your choosing. This report is written from the perspective of a manager tasked to outline the ethical nature of the case. You will need to explore a number of factors including – Why should this be explored as an ethical question? How might the company want to think about the role of business in society?

You will also need to outline who the key stakeholders are and in what way they are affected. You should include research into examples of how ethical choices impact on other companies . Finally you should conclude with some recommendations for what the company should do

This part of your assessment should be written as a report, but should be referenced in the normal academic way using Harvard citations and referencing.

What is a team that you are a part of that could use evaluation? What are traits you would assess for when evaluating a team?

In the Bible, one team that is often discussed in the Gospels is Jesus’ disciples. He travels with them, teaches them, and sends them out in to the world to spread the good news. One instance where Jesus tested and evaluated them was then he asked them who they thought he was. In Mark 8:27 he asks, “’Who do people say that I am?’” .

Here, Jesus tests his disciples to see where they stood individually as followers of him. Peter eventually answers that Jesus is Christ, and this showed his faith and strength that he found in who Jesus was. This question, that was like an assessment of the disciples, turned to show that belief in who Jesus was who he claimed to be is a mark of incredible faith.

What is a team that you are a part of that could use evaluation?
What are traits you would assess for when evaluating a team?

Assess and analyse the leader in question and back up your discussion with evidence or data. For instance, newspaper articles, academic articles and books, videos, various reports and interview transcripts.

Write a 1500-word report about a business leader who has guided a group or an organisation to success.

The leader should be organizational, Mark Zuckerberg , Jeff Bezos , Lourdes Ashley Hunter , Dr Lisa Su , Sir Harpal Kumar

Assess and analyse the leader in question and back up your discussion with evidence or data. For instance, newspaper articles, academic articles and books, videos, various reports and interview transcripts.

How much should you earn to justify the cost of your college education? How much is the value of attending the graduate school?

Research an article from newspaper, internet or magazine. The essay should be related to our class study of time value of money and financial planning. You need to demonstrate the essay topic with your numerical calculations, either with your numerical calculation or replication if the numbers in the essay. Remember to illustrate the role of time value of money in the decision making. Summarize your work into a short paper.

To submit,

A copy of the original essay your picked from publications.
Your paper should be no more than ten pages.
The grading will be based upon both numerical analysis and explanation.

Guide for research

Below are some suggested candidates for research topics.

Planning for retirement savings
How much should you earn to justify the cost of your college education?
How much is the value of attending the graduate school?
Project planning

Does the impact of technology elements increase the overall performance of a firm? Illustrate a real-life example to support your arguments.

You are required to express your views and comments
about the topic related to entrepreneurship, innovation and technology-related system in business organizations in 2000 words with tables and figures.
At least 12 scientific journals should be used to support your ideas.
Some examples of individual essay topic:
1. Does the impact of technology elements increase the overall performance of a firm?
Illustrate a real-life example to support your arguments.
2. Discuss the impact of artificial intelligence on the growth and performance of SMEs.
Support your arguments with a real-life example.
3. Evaluate the relationship between entrepreneurship system and organizational outcomes in a specific industry. Support your viewpoints on the issues of management theories.
4. Why do organizations adopt technological information system process innovations? Discuss the importance of relevant management innovation theories.

Create an Employee Development Plan for a high-potential, high-performing entry-level employee of the company in the case study.

Employee Development plan

Employee development plans are used to develop employees so they can advance in their careers and acquire new competencies.

Create an Employee Development Plan for a high-potential, high-performing entry-level employee of the company in the case study.

Your plan should include all elements of an employee development plan . The IDP should contain SMART  goals.

What have been the most important insights you had so far?What are areas of your work that need improvement?

In this first assignment you are asked to produce an account of your learning in the
first six weeks of the semester. In doing so you should consider your experience on
this module, the feedback you have received on your portfolio entries and your own
reflection on the material covered so far.

The completed learning logs and your up-
to-date Personal Development Plan should be the basis of this reflection.
Your academic paper should discuss the following points:
1. What have been the most important insights you had so far?
2. Looking at your learning logs and the PDP please identify

1) what are you good at and

2) What are areas of your work that need improvement?
3. What do you want to do next?

– Identify one of the areas of your work that needs improvement and outline 2 or 3 ideas for development.