Discuss and analyze global tourism and disasters as it is related to disaster management implemented internationally.

For Case Study #3, you will discuss and analyze global tourism and disasters as it is related to disaster management implemented internationally. You will check and reference at least three credible sources for information about the issue and provide examples from a country of your choice. For each topic you will be required to discuss the following:

• Definition of the issue
• Example or examples of the topic on a selected country
• Is it important to study this issue? Why?

Do you thin there is a meaning behind the mythology of the divinatory calendar that transcends religion?

Reading: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Jjyjor0HHw93eKbj3cuwi6oqLy-ZVt5r/view?usp=sharing

Question: Frida Kahlo frequently embedded her paintings with rich Nahuatl logographic script and Aztec calendrical symbolism. Yet Deffebach underlines the strict Marxist materialist rationalism she espouses in her diary. Do you thin there is a meaning behind the mythology of the divinatory calendar that transcends religion?

Choose a healthcare company in the United States from the suggested list below.

Choose a healthcare company in the United States from the suggested list below. Obtain their most recent annual report online.

Review the company annual report and provide an analysis consisting of five or six double spaced pages organized according to the following question outline.

A. Introduction (5 pts)
a. Identify and state whether the company is non-profit or a for-profit entity
b. Name of the Chief Executive Officer
c. Location of the home office (headquarters)
d. Ending Date of the latest fiscal year
e. Name of the company’s independent accountants (auditors) and explain what they said about the company’s financial statements
B. Financial Statements
a. Results of Operations (5 pts.) List the most recent total revenue, operating revenue, and net income (excess revenues over expenses) amounts
b. Balance Sheet (3 pts.) List amounts confirming total assets = total liabilities + net assets (equity)
c. Statements of Cash Flows (5 pts.) Discuss how cash was generated and used from operating, investing, and financing activities
d. Statement of Changes in Net Assets (2 pts.) What attributed to the organization’s largest change in net assets?

C. Critical Accounting Policies & Notes to Financial Statements (15 pts) Discuss the following:
a. Revenue Recognition
b. Accounts Receivable
c. Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
d. Cash e. Property and Equipment

D. Overall professionalism / presentation (5 pts)
Written content and analysis are clear, understandable, and free from spelling/grammar errors.

Potential Companies:
Ardent Health Services
Hospital Corporation of America
Health Management Associates
Tenet Healthcare Corporation
Vanguard Health Systems

Explore the communication of mental health through the stimulation of art and nature, possibly yoga and meditation and scrutinized the data to help achieve better understanding of emotions and wellbeing.

This investigation is to explore the communication of mental health through the stimulation of art and nature, possibly yoga and meditation and scrutinized the data to help achieve better understanding of emotions and wellbeing and then using the data in art as a means of showing the audience and allowing them to decide whether to pursue the knowledge and get a better understanding on their own mental health and use it to their benefit to find ways to help improve their wellbeing.

Critically address the next social, cultural, ethical or environmental shift and its impact on the global fashion culture. Fashion can be ephemeral or it can be profound.

A 2500-word critical essay showing a coherent and comprehensive understanding of a range of sociological and anthropological theories and their application to the analysis of fashion and culture. Students will critically address the next social, cultural, ethical or environmental shift and its impact on the global fashion culture. Fashion can be ephemeral or it can be profound. Through referencing existing structures (social, political, historical, artistic, etc.) compose a critical essay that addresses fashion’s cultural position as an instigator of social change, artistic endeavour or as an extension of the entertainment industry (choose one or any combination).

The topic i want to analyze is Hip-hop sub-culture and Dapper dan (how he influenced fashion and the link between dapper dan and hip-hop)

To what extent do you feel Morelli’s and Berenson’s methods of connoisseurship succeed in determining which artist painted the works?


1,000 WORDS (including footnotes and citations)


How do we come to attribute paintings to certain artists? Giovanni Morelli (1816-1891) is one of several art historians who have attempted to codify the ways in which we make decisions based on stylistic details. Read the assigned text, Michael Hatt and Charlotte Klonk, Art History: A Critical Introduction to Its Methods (Manchester: Manchester UP, 2013), pp. 48–64, which explains Morelli’s methods and Bernard Berenson’s response to them. Then, using their approach, discuss the attribution of paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York (MET) of the following painters. You will need to analyse and describe the differences between ONE OF THE PAIRS of artists below.

To what extent do you feel Morelli’s and Berenson’s methods of connoisseurship succeed in determining which artist painted the works? You will need to reflect on how useful, or how limiting you find their approaches. Are there aspects of the task that you feel they have ignored or failed to give enough weight?

Study paintings by ONE OF THE PAIRS of artists below in the MET.

Botticelli and Carlo Crivelli (you may focus on religious works)

Bronzino and Moroni (you may focus on portraiture)

The paintings supplied all have excellent high-resolution images that can be accessed online through the Metropolitan Museum of Art Website. To access high-quality images, use the links below or the Search tool to the right of the following webpage:

For Botticelli’s paintings:

For Carlo Crivelli’s paintings:

For Bronzino’s painting:

For Moroni’s paintings:

Illustrations must be supplied to support your argument. You should be working at a level of close detail.

Note that each of these artists is well represented at the National Gallery. You are encouraged to deploy the National Gallery paintings as comparative material.