Explain corrective actions to ensure profitability in the current and future projects.

Contractor commercial Management

You have just been hired as a new commercial manager for a reputable contracting firm, ACE Contracting. ACE Contracting is specialised in executing large scale commercial building projects. However, the firm has faced a significant reduction in its profitability in the past few years. An internal review was conducted on completed projects in the last 3 years and this revealed problems with the cost at which line items are delivered compared to what was allowed for in the BOQ.

As the new commercial manager, write a comprehensive report to the commercial director that details how you intend to manage this problem. The report should cover the following:

1. Steps you would take to manage profitability issues in the current and future projects.

2. Using an exemplar cost value reconciliation report, identify and explain pertinent information required to monitor profit and loss during construction projects.

3. Where losses or significant decreases in profit were recorded, discuss the possible causes of the variances.

4. Explain corrective actions to ensure profitability in the current and future projects.


What information would you need from Sarah in order to give her sound advice?

You’re at a family party when your cousin, Sarah, approaches you admitting she knows “nothing about money.” She is starting a new job at UConn and has a choice between a 401k and a pension. She really wants to make the smart choice and asks for your advice. In order to vest in the pension plan, Sarah must work at her job for 10 years and contribute 2% of her salary to the pension fund.
• What information would you need from Sarah in order to give her sound advice?
• Sarah doesn’t know what any of this stuff means-please write a memo to her as if she is a client of a financial planner .

Outline the pros and cons of each type of investment and what she should consider before making a decision. Remember this is someone who does not have an MBA. You need to walk her through the correct thought process and use easy numerical examples. When using technical terminology, explain what it means and provide relevant analogies. Please include graphics to show how amounts accumulate over time.

Explain the purpose of adjusting entries and closing entries. In a 1-2-page paper, not including the title and reference pages, detail what each accomplishes, and give examples of each.

Individual projexy

This assignment has 2 parts, as follows:

Explain the purpose of adjusting entries and closing entries. In a 1-2-page paper, not including the title and reference pages, detail what each accomplishes, and give examples of each.
Journalize the closing entries from the attached 10-column worksheet. Use the attached template to complete your General Journal

Is Inflation a Tax? Some Republicans Think So.” Is it only republicans that think inflation is a tax?Explain your answer.

Tax Notes, a key practitioner publication for tax professions, recently ran an article that was headlined “Is Inflation a Tax? Some Republicans Think So.” Is it only republicans that think inflation is a tax?

First, what is inflation? Very broadly, inflation is when the general price level increases and things get more expensive. There are varying opinions on what causes inflation. Milton Friedman once famously said “Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon in the sense that it is and can be produced only by a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output.”

What methods are appropriate to answering your research question(s)? What data/variables will you use? Where is it from? How will you analyse it?

Fraud in the digital age of accounting

Define the topic through a summary of the general focus / motivation of project that should demonstrate a coherent finance or accounting based approach to the chosen topic. The research question to be investigated should also be clearly explained in this section.
Theoretical and Contextual Literature Review of 10+sources to support the specific theoretical framework, identification of associated studies and methodological approach to be taken to answer your research question(s).
•Methodology to develop the method and data to be used in your analysis and should address issues such as: what methods are appropriate to answering your research question(s)? What data/variables will you use? Where is it from? How will you analyse it?
•In particular, this should include the justification of the empirical techniques that you intend to undertake through outlining their advantages / how they will resolve your research question(s), this should come from the previous chapter on Theoretical and Contextual Literature Review.

Prepare a Power Point presentation discussing what recommendations you would make to your client, given the information you have gathered in parts 1-4, and what you have learned in this course.

Writing, using software, and interpreting results is a large part of your learning experience. These assignments are designed to improve your use of technology and communication skills. Using proper business English and resources from the library you will comment and share your research with your classmates. Make sure you note your source in proper APA format.
Project Information:
As a new employee a local accounting firm, your first client is the Orlando University Bookstore. Jack Stone, the manager, would like some advice on several aspects of the bookstore’s accounting information system.
Week 4 Writing Assignment Part 4:
Prepare a Power Point presentation discussing what recommendations you would make to your client, given the information you have gathered in parts 1-4, and what you have learned in this course.
Week 4: Present and discuss your recommendations to the bookstore’s manager, give the in formation you gathered, and what you have learned in this course.

Provide your thoughts how ratio construction and ratio analysis work in concert with the balance sheet, income statement and statement of cash to provide a picture of a company’s financial situation.

Canopy Growth Corporation- Accounting Problems in the Cannabis Industry: Case Post Prompt Questions

Provide your thoughts how ratio construction and ratio analysis work in concert with the balance sheet, income statement and statement of cash to provide a picture of a company’s financial situation.

Prepare a cash reconciliation using the BANK and BOOK information provided in Excel.

Wed Mar 23 writing assignment #2 Calibri Regular
Insert Draw Layout Review View

You are the staff accountant working for Armeni, Inc, an IT consulting firm. You have been working with the company for 1 year and the owners have recently hired an intern that you must train. The first area that you must train the intern on is INTERNAL CONTROL, There are 2 activities that the owners are asking that you do to introduce the concept of internal control to the intern:

1. Prepare a cash reconciliation using the BANK and BOOK information provided in Excel. Make sure to not only prepare the reconciliation in the template but to also prepare the necessary adjusting entries for the BOOKS.

2. Prepare a 1-2 page memo describing the basic principles of internal control IN YOUR OWN WORDS. You may use class or other outside resources to help you , but you must explain the principles in words that anyone can understand.

Assume the intern has no experience in business or accounting as you prepare this memo . Your memo should include a proper heading, be single spaced and use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Analyse your portfolio choices from a behavioural perspective and Evaluate the asset allocation adopted applying the portfolio theory concepts studied.

Investment & Financial market nehaviour

You need to submit your initial investment positions with a few words with your reasons using the Turnitin link provided before the deadline of Friday 18th February 2022 11.59pm.
In the report you will have to
Analyse your portfolio choices from a behavioural perspective and
Evaluate the asset allocation adopted applying the portfolio theory concepts studied.
Include a discussion of the purpose of the portfolio and how you believe that your portfolio fulfils the stated aim better than other possible portfolios.

How to build your Excel spreadsheet
Start with the portfolio Excel spreadsheet you have used for tracking the performance of your investment choices between 1 and 28 February 2021. Add a new worksheet (a new tab) in your Excel file with your portfolio of 10 assets. Copy the entire sheet containing the tracked portfolio and paste it in the new worksheet. In the newly added worksheet, change the amounts invested in each asset to £100,000 .
Add a new worksheet in your Excel file with your portfolio of 10 assets.
Use the Bloomberg terminal  to look up and download historical prices for your 10 assets – monthly data for the last 5 years. Put these in one single Excel sheet
Calculate the expected rate of return for each asset and its risk.
Calculate the correlation matrix for your 10 assets.

Demonstrate an understanding of how to carry out accounting research projects, how to structure them, and of the methods available to gather and to analyze data, and to present results.

This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes for CW2:
1) Conduct an effective literature review with the synthesis and critical evaluation to be expected of such an activity.
2) Demonstrate an understanding of how to carry out accounting research projects, how to structure them, and of the methods available to gather and to analyze data, and to present results.
3) Enhance digital literacy skills by undertaking an independent review of relevant literature and demonstrating the ability to identify key references appropriate to the chosen topic area.