What are the four largest revenue sources? What are the four largest expenses? What is the consolidated total of fund-raising expenses?

For the Week Six assignment, please complete the following:

Access the website for United Way Worldwide and then look through the site until you locate the most recent consolidated financial statements and supplemental schedule and the Form 990.
Review the statements and Form 990 and then prepare a two- to three-page memo presenting your summary of the following items that refer to consolidated amounts for the most recent year available:

1. Briefly describe the reporting units that compose the consolidated entity of United Way of America. How are they operationally interrelated?

2. Using the consolidated statement of financial position, identify and briefly explain the consolidation eliminations. Then describe the components and amounts of each of the major items composing the consolidated net assets and equity. Finally, using the statement of financial position information along with the footnote information, describe the components of the custodial funds asset and custodial funds liability in the consolidated columns.

3. Using the consolidated statement of activities, what are the four largest revenue sources? What are the four largest expenses? What is the consolidated total of fund-raising expenses?

4. Using the supplemental schedule, the statement of functional expenses, and the footnotes, describe the four largest program services categories. What are the three largest expense categories?

5. Accessing Form 990, briefly describe the major types of information required on this Internal Revenue Service form.

What methods are appropriate to answering your research question(s)? What data / variables will you use? Where is it from? How will you analyse it?

The relationship between domestic savings and economic growth in the United Kingdom

Methodology to develop the method and data to be used in your analysis and should address issues such as: what methods are appropriate to answering your research question(s)? What data / variables will you use? Where is it from? How will you analyse it?
In particular, this should include the justification of the empirical techniques that you intend to undertake through outlining their advantages / how they will resolve your research question(s), this should come from the previous chapter on Theoretical and Contextual Literature Review.

Explain your findings. Describe the business’s strengths and weaknesses and what the results indicate about the business’s ability to be successful.

For this project, you will assume the role of a consultant responsible for assessing a client’s business operations and making recommendations for an accounting information system. To complete this project, review the Final Project Scenario document.
Specifically, you must address the critical elements listed below. Most of the critical elements align with a particular course outcome .
I. Client Recommendation: Prepare a written recommendation for the automation of a client’s accounting system. Address the following elements in
a) Describe the current accounting environment and the stakeholders of a business.
b) Map one accounting cycle using a data-flow diagram and system flowchart.
c) Use an REA diagram to identify the pertinent resources, events, and agents within the chosen accounting cycle.
d) Create a table that identifies weaknesses and potential threats to a business and potential internal controls to address the weaknesses and
threats found in the chosen cycle.
e) For the chosen cycle, describe the data elements that need to be captured in the accounting information system , and organize that data
into relational database tables. Include the data type, structures, and whether the data element is a primary or foreign key.
II. Executive Summary Presentation: Prepare a presentation as a visual accompaniment to the recommendation.
a) Explain your findings. Describe the business’s strengths and weaknesses and what the results indicate about the business’s ability to be successful.
b) Describe how and why an automated AIS would benefit the business. Explain the attributes and advantages of an automated AIS and the
specific ways an automated AIS would benefit the business.
c) Recommend accounting application software that would help the business. Explain the features of accounting application software along with
your rationale for the chosen software.

What types of Direct Materials would be used in this business? What are examples of the Manufacturing Overhead for this business?

Write a 250- 300 word memo about the following situation.
Memo- 2
Mr. Profit is the owner of a metal fabrication company.  They order bulk metal, fabricate and construct metal rails for steps and safety applications.
Mr. Profit has just returned from a meeting with his banker, Mr. Money.  He was denied a loan to purchase new fabrication equipment for the business.
As the new managerial accountant, Mr. Profit does not understand the differences between Direct Materials, and Manufacturing Overhead.  Explain these to Mr. Profit.
You are to write a word memo to explain the differences.
What types of Direct Materials would be used in this business?
What are examples of the Manufacturing Overhead for this business?
2. Give 2-3 examples of reporting and how it could be useful to approach the banker to get the loan approved?

Discuss the taxability of the different types of assets.Are some tax-preferred assets upon bequeath, and are there non-tax benefits to the cash?

Many years passed after Sarah took your advice. At 65, she is getting ready to retire. She has $1m in a 401 (k) plan, a house worth $300k, and a cash savings account worth another $500k. She has decided that she has gone far too long without a will. She again asks your advice as to what she should bequeath to her husband and two children. The problem is that one child is in the Peace Corp. and makes very little money, whereas the other child is a wealthy attorney. She does not know their marginal tax rates, but she has heard the attorney say she’s paying too much in taxes.
• Discuss the taxability of the different types of assets.
• Are some tax-preferred assets upon bequeath, and are there non-tax benefits to the cash?
• Come up with a plan that helps “equalize” the after-tax receipts for her two children and husband . This question does not need to be a memo.

Identify and explain pertinent information required to monitor profit and loss during construction projects.

Contractor commercial Management

You have just been hired as a new commercial manager for a reputable contracting firm, ACE Contracting. ACE Contracting is specialised in executing large scale commercial building projects. However, the firm has faced a significant reduction in its profitability in the past few years. An internal review was conducted on completed projects in the last 3 years and this revealed problems with the cost at which line items are delivered compared to what was allowed for in the BOQ.


As the new commercial manager, write a comprehensive report to the commercial director that details how you intend to manage this problem. The report should cover the following:

1. Steps you would take to manage profitability issues in the current and future projects.

2. Using an exemplar cost value reconciliation  report, identify and explain pertinent information required to monitor profit and loss during construction projects.

3. Where losses or significant decreases in profit were recorded, discuss the possible causes of the variances.

4. Explain corrective actions to ensure profitability in the current and future projects.