What have you found as part of this project? What was the purpose? What did you find?

Significance of accounting in the performance and development of charities

Analysis Report Structure
Title page
The following information should be presented in this order with all text centred:
The Report Title- The significance of accounting on the performance and development of charities

Executive Summary
State concisely the main aims of your analysis report, what you have done and findings.
This part should be in Past Tense.
Half a page summary
What have you found as part of this project? What was the purpose? What did you find?

What methods are appropriate to answering your research question(s)? What data / variables will you use? Where is it from? How will you analyse it?

Accounting and Finance – choose any topic

Theoretical and Contextual Literature Review of 10+ sources to support the specific theoretical framework, identification of associated studies and methodological approach to be taken to answer your research question(s). These should be discussed in terms of a critical summary discussion of previous literature. Only use academically credible studies e.g. journal articles, research-led books, working papers, government/NGO reports etc.
Methodology to develop the method and data to be used in your analysis and should address issues such as: what methods are appropriate to answering your research question(s)? What data / variables will you use? Where is it from? How will you analyse it?

What about the citizens who do not intend to evade the tax? What about the circumstances that face the taxpayers and prevent them paying on time, such as illness or technical problems in their computers?

Understanding Taxpayers Behavior

In India, tax compliance has been very low and was estimated to be around 36% in 2017. Indian government had brought in a lot of changes in the tax norms and policies in order to increase the tax compliance.

A provision was made allowing the tax officials to enter any premise and seek any information that is required. This has come in the wake of increasing allegations that black money is being hoarded in the non-government charitable organization post demonetization. These measures give a higher autonomy to the tax officials and increase the chance of a tax evader being caught. Since the likelihood of getting caught increases, the cost of evading taxes become higher thus prompting the taxpayers not to evade taxes
It has been proven that the deterrence policy has an influence on the non-compliant taxpayers’ behaviour. However, threatening them by raising extra fines does not always solve the problem.

What about the citizens who do not intend to evade the tax? What about the circumstances that face the taxpayers and prevent them paying on time, such as illness or technical problems in their computers?


Analyze two changes to CFCs and advise your client on the actions necessary to reduce current and future tax liability as a result of these charges.

International Taxation

The United States uses the U.S. Model Income Tax Convention as a starting point for treaty negotiations, and European countries and trading partners employ the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Model Tax Convention. The United Nations tax committee has also produced a UN Model Tax Convention.
Compare the U.S. model, OECD model, and the UN model treaties and give your opinion as to which model reduces barriers to international trade and investment by decreasing tax barriers to the international flow of goods and services.
Defend the use of the U.S. model as opposed to the OECD or UN models by the United States. Provide an example to support your defense.

The United States has employed a worldwide system of taxation for the past 100 years. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act upended this system. Imagine you are an international tax consultant advising a client on the impact of P.L. 115-97, the law known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, on the taxation of a controlled foreign corporation .
Analyze two changes to CFCs and advise your client on the actions necessary to reduce current and future tax liability as a result of these charges.
Create a scenario reflecting the taxation under the prior tax and current law to support your recommendations.

Is a signed holographic will a valid will in your state? Are witnesses required for a holographic will?

Taxation of Estates and Trusts (Wills)

Read the scenario below carefully, and then research the tax issues using CCH Intelliconnect. Answer the following questions in 1-2 double-spaced pages:

Is a signed holographic will a valid will in your state?
Are witnesses required for a holographic will?
Should the executed holographic will operate as Liu’s will pending the execution of the typewritten will? Explain. See and compare In re Teubert’s Estate, 171 W.Va. 226, 298 S. E.2d 456 .
Your assignment should be submitted in a Microsoft Word® document and be properly formatted in APA, with a title page and reference list .

What does the brand’s marketing communications strategy comprise and how could it be changed to alter consumers’ perception of the brand?

Your task is to develop a new/updated branding strategy for the brand you have chosen. Your recommendations will be included in a written report and must be fully justified and viable.

Both your analysis and re-launch strategy should consider the UK market only.

Choose one of the following brands, all have had a challenging year:

Alfa Romeo

The following list might help give you some ideas to consider when analysing your chosen brand and developing a new branding strategy for it:

Brand awareness and image – are consumers sufficiently aware of the brand (and its entire product range) and do they hold strong, favourable and unique associations for it?
Brand positioning – how is the brand currently positioned and should this position be shifted to attract a different target group?
Secondary brand associations – could the brand benefit from association with other brands, causes, people, etc.?
Brand elements – do the brand element require an update and if yes, how could that be achieved?
Brand evolution over time – has the brand evolved successfully to meet market changes? Should the branding strategy be based on the brand’s heritage, or be modernised completely?
Brand extensions – could the brand extend successfully into new categories?
Pricing strategies and tactics – does the brand’s pricing strategy correspond to its chosen market, and does it need updating?
Product strategies and tactics – what is the current product strategy and could it be improved ?
Channel strategies and tactics – should the brand develop better distribution policies and partners?
Promotional strategies and tactics – what does the brand’s marketing communications strategy comprise and how could it be changed to alter consumers’ perception of the brand?

Describe the changes and what would be the impact on Corporate America, society, CPA firms and other constituencies.

1. Try to find review articles about the new Ethics, Fraud & Corporate Governance” policy and other basic information to use for background .

2. Write the paper

a. Background information to topic of Corporate Governance; research question – what is it that your investigating in relation to the topic.


1. You may use as many extra review articles or other empirical articles as you would like.

2. Describe the changes and what would be the impact on Corporate America, society, CPA firms and other constituencies. IFRS and GAAP, Corporate Governance, issues, road blocks and more. You are to cover this topic in relation to any aspects of it. Examples: issues with backdating contracts, issues with taxes, and more.

3. The paper must be written in APA format. There are 2 primary ways you will use APA formatting: referencing and use of section headers.

a. Table of content, introduction and conclusion!

b. Referencing must be in APA style. Please see APA website for style information sheets.

Propose 2 management tools that Jake can use to evaluate whether the new manufacturing facility and warehousing center will be a good investment. What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of each tool?

In your textbook, read the chapter opener about Jake Loosararian ad his company, Gecko Robotics. Suppose Jake’s business continues to grow, and he builds a massive new manufacturing facility and warehousing center to make the business more efficient and reduce costs.

Propose 2 management tools that Jake can use to evaluate whether the new manufacturing facility and warehousing center will be a good investment. What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of each tool?

How do the concepts of social and environmental sustainability differ from that of financial sustainability, the accountant’s idea of “going concern”?

Business Accountability and Responsibility

Social and environmental sustainability v. financial sustainability

1) How do the concepts of social and environmental sustainability differ from that of financial sustainability, the accountant’s idea of “going concern”?

2) What implications do these differences have for the ways in which a) businesses operate and b) the ways in which they report on their activities?

3) How, if at all, might these differences be reconciled? What are the major obstacles to reconciling the differing views?

4) What might the implications for the future of business be of reconciling these differing views? What might the implications be of not doing so?


Your answer should draw on at least three theories about attitudes to social, environmental and financial sustainability – both operational and in reporting – across different business models.

Using practical examples taken from the social economy as well as from the corporate world, it should demonstrate an understanding of emerging business models and current arguments about a) the nature and purpose of business and b) the nature and purpose of reporting on business activities.