Critically review literature, and summarize and evaluate approaches to construct proxies for the investors sentiment.

Empirical Methods in Accounting and Finance

Individual Assesses coursework brief

The work should not exceed 3,500 words. Excessive assignments will be penalized according to section 9.13 of Regulation 9 Regulation Governing Postgraduate Taught Awards: “Assessed work which exceeds a specified maximum permitted length will be a subject to a penalty deduction of marks equivalent to the percentage of additional words over the limit the limit excludes bibliography, diagrams and tables, footnotes, tables of content and appendices of data.”

A wide range of theories are proposed to explain the weak risk-return tradeoff, such as investor sentiment and differences in overnight and intraday returns .

In line with the above, answer the following requirements:


1. Discuss the empirical designs in (i) Yu and Yuan and Wang , and (ii)Wang and Wang and Duxbury

2. Critically review literature, and summarize and evaluate approaches to construct proxies for the investors sentiment.

3. Suppose that you decide to extend Wang to another developed market. Select the market and justify your selection .

4. For the selected market, show present and interpret descriptive statistics of stocks returns for the whole sample period, along with high- and low-sentiment periods.
5. Use the rolling window method to filter conditional volatility. Present and interpret descriptive statistics of conditional volatility for the whole sample period, along with high- and low-sentiment period.
6. Examine the mean-variance relation for the whole sample period, along with high-and low-sentiment periods interpret.

Did Watkins owe an ethical duty to Enron, to its shareholders, or to the investing public to go public with her suspicions? Explain your answer. How big a price is it fair to ask a whistleblowing employee to pay?

Cases from the Real World

Read: Cases from the Real World, page 222. (Access free at

Sherron Watkins and Enron

Reflection Questions
What would you have done if you were in Sherron’s position?
What factors would contribute to your decision?
How would you weigh the consequences of your decision?
What effect would your decision have on key stakeholders?
Critical Thinking
Did Watkins owe an ethical duty to Enron, to its shareholders, or to the investing public to go public with her suspicions? Explain your answer.
How big a price is it fair to ask a whistle blowing employee to pay?

Explain the uses of activity-based costing in the service industries.

Management Accounting – Activity based Costing

XYZ Ltd. currently make and sells four products. They provide you with their details and relevant information for one period in the following table.

You have ascertained that the ‘cost drivers’ to be used are as listed below for the overhead costs shown:
Cost Cost Driver
Set-up costs Number of production runs
Stores receiving Requisition raised
Inspection/Quality control Number of production runs
Material handling and dispatch Orders executed

Large service organisations, such as banks and hospitals, used to be noted for their lack of standard costing systems, and their relatively unsophisticated budgeting and control systems compared with large manufacturing organisations. But this is changing and many large service organisations are now revising their use of management accounting techniques.
Explain the uses of activity-based costing in the service industries.

What happened in the market that caused the demand for their product to decrease? Is there a newer and better substitute product that contributed to the decrease in demand?

The Invisible Hand: Changing Markets

Describe a business that used to operate locally when you were young, but no longer operates/exists today. Additionally, provide an example of a business that operates locally today, that did not operate/exist when you were young.

Be specific in describing the nature of the business that no longer operates, and the customers they used to serve.
What happened in the market that caused the demand for their product to decrease?
Is there a newer and better substitute product that contributed to the decrease in demand?
Provide a counter-example of a business that does operate today that did not operate/exist when you were young.
It is possible that the new business replaced the old business, but that does not have to be the case.

Explain how investors can use the Securities and Exchange Commission’s database at EDGAR | Search Tools to research a company’s operations and financial information. Assess the financial performance of, Inc.

Research and discuss how the SEC’s EDGAR | Search Tools improves how investors find and use financial information. In your paper,

Explain how investors can use the Securities and Exchange Commission’s database at EDGAR | Search Tools to research a company’s operations and financial information.
Assess the financial performance of, determining the risk of investing in the company through financial statement analysis. To make the above assessment and determination, go to Amazon’  official website, and locate the company’s Investor Relations link.

Using the Investors Relations link, find financial information such as SEC Filings and Annual Reports.
Conclude how investors can assess Amazon’ financial performance and risk using Annual Reports.
Explain the content of each report listed below in detail and how it relates to your assessment of Amazon’ financial performance.

Identify a personal experience where you were impacted by leadership choices. What happened? What was the impact on you and on the organization? How will you implement the lessons learned in this module within your professional career?

What do employers owe employees?

craft a reflection paper focused on the idea that ethical leadership in the workplace is most effectively instituted when it is modeled by senior leadership. In this paper, you will want to reflect on how the choices of leadership impact the employees of an organization.

Can organizational culture impact ethical behavior? What do employers owe their employees? Is there a disconnect between the concerns of employees and their management? What creates this difference?

Identify a personal experience where you were impacted by leadership choices. What happened? What was the impact on you and on the organization? How will you implement the lessons learned in this module within your professional career?

A Reflection Paper is a two-page reflection on the material covered  in the Module including a section of at least half a page that discusses how this issue applies to work, education, or other parts of your life.

Just more is required for subheading 2.1.4 as the outcome of your data analysis needs to be more specific relating to actual business improvements which are aligned to strategic objectives. What data did you analyse and why?

Strategic Management Project

Mostly secondary data was gathered from sources such as company website and literature materials to enhance the business performance at ExxonMobil. The information gathered, being qualitative, was then analysed using the content analysis approach where the current business process at the company has been analysed alongside the proposed ones. The suggestions which can be seen in the next section was centered on the results from the analysis made.

Just more is required for subheading 2.1.4 as the outcome of your data analysis needs to be more specific relating to actual business improvements which are aligned to strategic objectives. What data did you analyse and why?


What is this difference? Is it possible to identify a set of universal values that is consistent across cultures and time? What might those universal business values be? How would this impact your career plans?

Are business ethics universal?

Text book is found at

Paper details– below

Craft a reflection paper focused on the impact of time and culture on business ethics? In this paper, you will want to reflect on how time and culture have impacted ethics. Has the increase in global trade impacted ideas about values and ethics? One of the perennial themes in business ethics—indeed, in ethics in general—is the difference between relative and absolute values.

What is this difference? Is it possible to identify a set of universal values that is consistent across cultures and time? What might those universal business values be? How would this impact your career plans?

Evaluate the effectiveness of internal controls.Accomplish through ongoing management and supervisory activities, as well as by periodic separate evaluations of the internal control system.

Internal Control class discussion

Evaluate the effectiveness of internal controls.

• Accomplish through ongoing management and supervisory activities, as well as by periodic separate evaluations of the internal control system. • Example:
The New York Stock Exchange requires all listed companies to maintain an internal audit function.

Which components of the annual report were most relevant in your analysis?Discuss any deferred tax asset/liability and income tax expense.

Locate Tapestry Inc locate its latest annual report  on . Complete the following for the paper:

(1) Description of Company: Primary type of business, Domestic/Foreign, History of company, Fiscal year end Stock exchange and symbol for trading. Name of the chairman and any information on the Board of Directors Discussion of Disclosures.

(2)Pertinent information from Management’s Discussion and Analysis:

Description of ongoing litigation, Risk analysis, Analysis of Balance Sheet, Review balance sheet for large or unusual items and classifications, Analysis of Income Statement, Review income statement for large or unusual items and classifications, Analysis of Cash Flow Statement

(3) Discuss any major cash inflows or outflows

Is there a cash inflow from operations? Review of Income Taxes.

(4) Discuss any deferred tax asset/liability and income tax expense.

5) Conclusion: Is the company profitable? What determines profitability?

Would you invest in the company or lend them money?

Which components of the annual report were most relevant in your analysis?