Who are the stakeholders in this situation? Do you think that a lender, in general, in arranging so-called “structured financing” has a responsibility to ensure that its clients account for the financing in an appropriate fashion, or is this the responsibility of the client and its auditor?

A July 23, 2002, The New York Times article by Richard Oppel and Kurt Eichenwald entitled “Citigroup Said to Mold Deal to Help Enron Skirt Rules” suggested that Citigroup intentionally kept certain parts of a secret oral agreement out of the written record for fear that it would change the accounting treatment. Critics contend that this had the effect of significantly understating Enron’s liabilities, thus misleading investors and creditors. Citigroup maintains that, as a lender, it has no obligation to ensure that its clients account for transactions properly. The proper accounting, Citigroup insists, is the responsibility of the client and its auditor.

Answer the following questions.

Who are the stakeholders in this situation?
Do you think that a lender, in general, in arranging so-called “structured financing” has a responsibility to ensure that its clients account for the financing in an appropriate fashion, or is this the responsibility of the client and its auditor?
What effect did the fact that the written record did not disclose all characteristics of the transaction probably have on the auditor’s ability to evaluate the accounting treatment of this transaction?
The NY Times article noted that in one presentation made to sell this kind of deal to Enron and other companies, Citigroup stated that using such an arrangement “eliminates the need for capital markets disclosure, keeping structure mechanics private.”
Why might a company wish to conceal the terms of a financing arrangement from the capital markets ?
Is this appropriate?
Do you think it is ethical for a lender to market deals in this way?
Thoroughly explain all of the following Category One Professional Competencies using the assigned WileyPLUS Problem – CT10.11:

Create appropriate Script for narrative using “Notes” section. The text of your voice over must be written into the “Notes” section of each slide.

PowerPoint Presentation with a minimum of 6 slides, not including Intro and Reference slide

Create a slide to respond to Question Part A.
Create a slide to respond to Question Part B.
Create a slide to respond to Question Part C.
Create a slide to respond to Question Part D a.
Create a slide to respond to Question Part D b.
Create a slide to respond to Question Part D c.

Provide a professional discussion of the issues presented in the CT Problem narrative.

Questions must be thoroughly answered in an academically appropriate manner.
Thoroughly review the Purdue Writing Center tutorial titled “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations.”

Create appropriate Title and Reference Slides

Create appropriate Script for narrative using “Notes” section. The text of your voice over must be written into the “Notes” section of each slide. Proper grammar and spelling will be an important part of the assignment. Be sure to perform a Spell Check.

How would you view the company’s relationships with its stakeholders, including its employees? How would that view guide your decision-making? As a company executive, would you try to increase employee benefits? Why or why not?

Walmart: “Save Money. Live Better.”

Thousands of Walmart’s U.S. employees are also reported to be receiving public assistance to make ends meet. Meanwhile, the Walton family, operators of the retailer that purports to help people “live better,” recently made $12.7 billion in a single day.

Critical Thinking

If you were an upper-level manager at Walmart, what kinds of decisions would you expect to make regarding the company’s challenges?
As a Walmart manager, how would you view the company’s relationships with its stakeholders, including its employees? How would that view guide your decision-making?
As a company executive, would you try to increase employee benefits? Why or why not?

Instructions for all case studies:

Prepare a paper that is longer than one full page.  include a header on the paper that includes your name, course section, assignment title and date. Additionally, use headings through out the paper to organize your paper.

What does this say about the nature of for-profit business in the United States? What might such a map have looked like one hundred years ago?

Walmart: “Save Money. Live Better.”

With annual revenues of almost half a trillion dollars, 2.3 million employees, and nearly twelve thousand stores worldwide, Walmart is the largest private employer on the planet. In fact, it is bigger than many national economies, including some in the developed world. In 2007, it replaced its longstanding slogan, “Always Low Prices,” with “Save Money. Live Better.”

Largest Private Employers by State.” States where the largest employer is Walmart are Arizona, Montana, Wyoming, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. States where the largest employer is the healthcare industry are Alaska, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. States where the largest employer is the state university system are California, New Mexico, Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, Maryland, and North Carolina. States where the largest employer is listed as other are Washington, Nevada, Colorado, Maine, and New Jersey.

According to Walmart, ninety percent of people in the United States live within ten miles of one of its stores.What does this say about the nature of for-profit business in the United States? What might such a map have looked like one hundred years ago?
Walmart attempts to demonstrate virtuousness by holding itself out as a responsible corporation, concerned especially for the lower-income families that make up the majority of its customers.16 But the company has experienced problems over the years, including lawsuits over illegal firing of employees, withholding of overtime pay and benefits, violations of foreign workers’ rights, wage violations, violations of child labor laws, and failure to provide health coverage where and when applicable.

Identify your core values. What are your core values?Explain your answer.

Using the information obtained from the Reflective Writing resources craft a reflection paper focused on your core values, personal mission statement. Use the process in in Table 11.

Identify your core values. What are your core values? Using the information in The Ultimate Guide to Writing Your Own Mission Statement

and the TedTalk: How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes draft a personal mission statement. Draft an entrepreneurial mission statement for a future organization.

A Reflection Paper is a two-page reflection on the material covered in the Module including a section of at least half a page that discusses how this issue applies to work, education, or other parts of your life. Use this reflection to create and reflect on a mission statement for a future organization.

What industry do you plan to pursue a career in? How do you anticipate this field will change over the next 5 years? What are the ethical challenges that you may encounter as this field evolves?

Module 09: Reflection Paper #9: Ethical Issues in a Changing Work Environment

Current Career is in Accounting for a property management company.

Using the information obtained from the Reflective Writing resources craft a reflection paper focused on the ethical challenges associated with evolving work environments. What industry do you plan to pursue a career in? How do you anticipate this field will change over the next 5 years? What are the ethical challenges that you may encounter as this field evolves? How would you approach those issues? Think about where you might draw your line in the sand.

Do people actually like being gig workers, or has the economy forced them into it, sometimes by taking second and third jobs?

In the summer of 2017, amid growing concerns about his leadership and with Uber hoping to become a public company, Kalanick was forced out by the board of directors. A new CEO, Dara Khosrowshahi, has been charged with repairing Uber’s image.

With consumers and investors increasingly sensitive to how companies make their money, Uber presents a case study in non-traditional business risks, like a company’s public image and the impact of reputational damage. As similar controversies unfold over the business practices of tech giants like Facebook and Google, does that mean the Silicon Valley era of “moving fast and breaking things” may be coming to an end?

Video link—https://www.pbs.org/video/driven-iqgrcz/

Read: Cases from the Real World page 313.

Gig Work
Have you ever been a gig worker? A recent study found that 37 percent of U.S. workers participate in the gig economy, and government and other estimates say 40 percent will be working outside traditional full-time jobs by 2020. Clearly the gig economy is not a fad. The issue is often whether it benefits only the company or also the worker. Do people actually like being gig workers, or has the economy forced them into it, sometimes by taking second and third jobs?

What industry do you plan to pursue a career in? How do you anticipate this field will change over the next 5 years? What are the ethical challenges that you may encounter as this field evolves ?

Current Career is in Accounting for a property management company.

Using the information obtained from the Reflective Writing resources craft a reflection paper focused on the ethical challenges associated with evolving work environments. What industry do you plan to pursue a career in? How do you anticipate this field will change over the next 5 years? What are the ethical challenges that you may encounter as this field evolves ? How would you approach those issues? Think about where you might draw your line in the sand.

What was the outcome for the organization? What was the outcome for the perpetrators? How do you believe most people would act in a similar circumstance?

Business Scandal Analysis

Watch a movie about a business scandal and/then research the scandal. If you are unable to watch a movie/documentary about a scandal then just researching it is fine.

Suggested scandals/movies/documentaries:
Smartest Guys in the Room
All the Queens Horses This is about embezzlement at a City but it is acceptable.
Dirty Money  You may use any episode except “The Confidence Man”, ” The Man at the Top” “Slumlord Millionaire” or “Dirty Gold”. The Season One episodes are better suited to this assignment.

At a minimum discuss:
The particulars of the case
The critical ethical issues
What was the outcome for the organization?
What was the outcome for the perpetrators?
How do you believe most people would act in a similar circumstance?
How would you react and what could you do now to try to protect yourself and avoid getting caught up in something?

What industry do you plan to pursue a career in? What are the ethical challenges that you may encounter in this field? How would you approach those issues?

Ethical Issues in Your Chosen Career

Using the information obtained from the Reflective Writing resources craft a reflection paper focused on the ethical challenges associated with the industry you plan to have a career in. What industry do you plan to pursue a career in? What are the ethical challenges that you may encounter in this field? How would you approach those issues? Think about where you might draw your line in the sand.