What is the Clinical Decision Support Consortium (CDSC), and what is its purpose?  What is the four-stage approach the CDSC used to develop clinical decision support? 

Students will describe how clinical decision support systems are used to improve patient safety and care.

Reflect on the following in a minimum of 550 words:
This reflection is comprised of TWO sections highlighting cloud-based decision support and clinical decision support experience, collectively totaling a minimum of 500 words. This activity is meant to help you solidify your knowledge in preparation for the competency assessment.

Complete your reflection by responding to all prompts.
1) Cloud-Based Decision Support
The Clinical Decision Support Consortium project is funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and illustrates how clinical decision support is scalable from one population to another.

Watch Cloud-Based Decision Support to see how a clinical decision support tool built and housed in Boston benefited a small rural community far from the city.

Answer the following:
What is the Clinical Decision Support Consortium (CDSC), and what is its purpose?
What is the four-stage approach the CDSC used to develop clinical decision support?
What was the biggest challenge the CDSC faced?
How did the CDSC overcome that challenge?
What role did collaboration play in improving the care for patients at the point of care?
How does clinical decision support improve patient care?

How does standardized data entry relate to improving patient safety and improved care outcomes?

Formative Assessment 1: Role of Informatics in Patient Care
Assignment Content
Using Word, create your response in a minimum of 500 words and upload when complete.
Review the presentation from the American Medical Informatics Association about linking informatics strategies to patient outcomes. How does standardized data entry relate to improving patient safety and improved care outcomes?
The information in the AMIA presentation is from 2014. How has meaningful use changed since its creation? Provide examples from your own clinical practice, current events, or industry journals.

What makes this case an ethical dilemma? How might people with different ethical viewpoints perceive this case?

Use the reporter’s questions of who, what, when, where, why, and how. We had a team meeting my manager called and it was a safety meeting about safety due to bodily injury due to the use of postal equipment. She went over safety rules and read over a paper advised of safety lifting requirements and safety operating equipment requirements to ensure safety and she read the requirements of opening an APC and BMC unit she started to open the unit and bend to drop the lid lightly downward towards your feet.

What makes this case an ethical dilemma? How might people with different ethical viewpoints perceive this case? This was unethical because according to the law we companies have to follow OSHA protocol to make sure employees are properly using equipment and not injuring themselves due to a manager just wanting to hit numbers for a bonus and this violated OSHA code this equipment weighed over 2000lbs

What is the specific case you have selected? Is it from your own workplace, or based on research?

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace

Case from WEEK 3 /

note: under the title my topic is Workplace violations

1. What was your ethical dilemma topic selection ? Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace

2. What is the specific case you have selected? Is it from your own workplace, or based on research?

3. What is the background of the case, including its context and origin? Opening and operating postal equipment correctly and safely not to cause bodily injury and harm

How might you communicate your concerns about or support for this bill to peers and legislators based on nursing practice, standards, or patient outcomes?

Health care policy


Address how this bill might relate to a professional nursing practice standard if passed? If not passed?

o How might the bill impact your own nursing practice if passed? If not passed?

o How might you communicate your concerns about or support for this bill to peers and legislators based on nursing practice, standards, or patient outcomes?

o How might this bill impact your community if passed?

Given what you learned about the physical and biological properties of water speculate: what other factors might cause the trends in ice cover data to change over the past century?

Climate Change Proxy
A proxy is an indicator used to measure whether the world’s temperatures are rising or whether the climate is changing. Scientists use data from various sources to uncover whether climate change has occurred.  This essay from the National Oceanic Atmospheric Association change explains the types of proxies scientists use. Because it may be happening over the course of decades, if not centuries, scientists have to rely on historical data.  The following dataset shows the duration of ice days calculated as the average number of days that ice covered Cazenovia lake over the time period from 1844-2009.  Ice duration is calculated from the day of first freeze over to the day of ice break up and subtracting the number of days the lake was open between the first day of ice coverage and ice-out.  These data were collected by the Cornell Biological Field Station as part of their DataStar Project (Rudstam, Lars G. and James R. Jackson. 2011).

Click on the data set to open in excel.
Graph the data following the instructions and then answer the following questions:

Step 1: Click on and highlight the two columns of data.

Step 2: Click on Insert and choose line graph from the choices of graphs

Step 3: Click on the title and provide a title for the graph: Ice Cover Caz Lake, choose chart elements and add the titles for the axis – Decade, Average # Days and then submit the excel file along with the answers to the following questions.

1) What is the trend in ice cover for Cazenoiva Lake over the last century?

2) Given what you learned about the physical and biological properties of water speculate: what other factors might cause the trends in ice cover data to change over the past century?

3) Which proxy do you think would be more accurate to determine global climate change?  The ice cover data or the data on blooming times collected by the scientists mentioned in the NPR study we listened to in this module? Why do you think this? Give reasons based on your research into what causes ice to melt on lakes, and what may impact blooming times from the discussions. Cite your sources for full credit.