Assess pros and cons for creating a pathway to citizenship for the 700,000 DACA recipients in the United States.
Watch this:
What ‘Dreamers’ Gained From DACA, and Stand to Lose (Links to an external site.)
What ‘Dreamers’ Gained From DACA, and Stand to Lose
1. Assess pros and cons for creating a pathway to citizenship for the 700,000 DACA recipients in the United States.
2. Practice good critical thinking and thoughtful online responding: Consider which side you agree with and WHY. What was your thought process? Find evidence to support the side of the argument you agree with more (e.g., book chapters, websites, journal articles, TED talks, videos, etc.), but make sure to mention the other side of the argument.
3. Your response should be about 150 words (no max) and you should reply to at least one other person.