Apply evidence to practice Students are to consider and explain how the research findings/evidence from this journal article can be applied to both your personal and clinical practice.

In this assignment you will critically review a research article and evaluate its quality and relevance to current clinical practice. This task is not a summary of the article. Instead, you will need to apply your critical thinking skills to evaluate the research and use your judgement to assess the value of this research to clinical practice.
1. Critically evaluate a specified journal article Students are to use the critical evaluation tool provided in LearnJCU to guide your evaluation of the following article:
2. Apply evidence to practice Students are to consider and explain how the research findings/evidence from this journal article can be applied to both your personal and clinical practice
3. Reflect on new knowledge gained Students are to reflect on this assessment task and describe how the process of evaluating the article has increased your knowledge and understanding of evaluating research and your understanding of translating this research into practice. This section of the assessment item is a reflective task and therefore can be written in first person as you are describing your decisions and learning.