Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of family life ministry as they apply to an actual sample congregation.
Family Ministry
This assignment is the capstone assignment of the course, allowing students to demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of family life ministry as they apply to an actual sample congregation. The student will prepare a report that includes two parts: 1) a Congregational Family Needs Analysis and 2) a Ministry Plan of Action. The report will be based upon the sample Congregational Needs Analysis survey statistics provided in the attachment for a congregation of two hundred people. The student will analyze the data in the survey and then write the two reports in the following manner:
Congregational Family Needs Analysis
1. Analyze the data on the 200 individuals in the survey data provided.
2. 5 pages-provide a demographic picture of the families in this church, age, sex, marital status, etc. You may you graphs, charts and illustrations. Write as if you were communicating with a church leadership or presenting the results to the congregation at large. Aim a clear, concise communications.
3. 2 pages-provide a summary of the preventive programs that are suggested by the data.
4. 2 pages-provide a summary of the therapeutic programs that are suggested by the data.
Ministry Plan of Action
1. Now that you have analyzed the data and suggested important areas of preventive and therapeutic ministry you are ready to write a Ministry Plan of Action.
2. 3 pages-Identify three family life ministry programs or activities you would suggest to a church leadership that they launch or conduct during the first year of the ministry. Write a one page description and justification of the ministry (parenting, marriage enrichment, pre-marital, counseling, support groups, etc.)
3. 1 page-Produce a one page first year budget to cover the costs of the ministry. You have $25,000.00 to allocate to the family ministry. Show a working budget to propose to leadership.
4. 1 page-When you present any new proposal to leadership it is likely to generate questions. Write down the key questions you think you will be asked about your ministry and several key talking points to answer those questions before you go into the meeting.
The Congregational Family Needs Analysis and Ministry Plan of Action are submitted together. It is typed with appropriate cover page. It is professionally written in a clear,direct and error free manner. There are no citations for this assignment as it is an application exercise. The Congregational Needs Survey is provided.