Have any of the concepts included midwifery care and midwifery services and in what way is this going to work to improve health care for mother and babies?

Public Health: National and International Perspectives of Maternity Care

Written Assignment 3000 words
Your assignment must address the following:
Rationale for choosing the country you are writing about and the relevance of the concepts chosen to this country.
Set the scene relating to the concepts you have chosen and why you feel they are relevant within this particular country.

Main Body
Brief history of the situation within the country of choice and this should include statistics as to how changes have been made in recent years relating to the Sustainable Development Goals and other public health programs; this should include international organizations alongside some national and local level groups.

Analysis of the literature relating to the two concepts that you have chosen and how the country has improved health care for women. This can be done as two separate concepts or by writing about the two concepts together if you research programs that have more than one outcome.

There should be evidence of impact upon the wider community, has the concept involved men and dealt with gender issues and especially care of women and babies?

Have any of the concepts included midwifery care and midwifery services and in what way is this going to work to improve health care for mother and babies?


What is the current situation within the country that you have chosen?

Did the concepts and programs have an ongoing success, or did they not progress any further?

What have been the positive impacts of the initiatives and include some negative impacts if they are relevant.

How can midwives be involved to try and promote the health of women and babies in the future?