Describe those who have been the most influential people in your life or your Soul Models.
Integration Paper
The integration paper is an opportunity for you to present a clear picture of how you integrate or plan to integrate what you believe (your values, mission, worldview) with how you live in light of vocation and your personal mission. Throughout the course you will read, write,and reflect on your “Soul Models,” personal values, life-shaping experiences, personal strengths, and personal mission statement. This paper should be a synthesis of things you have been learning and writing about throughout the course; but it should not be a cut-and-paste presentation of previous posts.The integration papermust include the four parts of the SAU concept (below).As you write each section of the paper, don’t simply answer the questions provided below, but construct a well-rounded “philosophy” that encompasses your personal mission and addresses each of these four (4) key areas:
1.Community of Learners.Consider what being a part of “a community of learners” means. Describe those who have been the most influential people in your life or your “Soul Models.” Elaborate on how you are contributing to the “community of learners” and how you plan to contribute in the future.
2.Lifelong involvement in the study and application of the liberal arts/worldview. Discuss your education, major or field of study at SAU,and how it has helped shape your view of the world and who you are in the world. You may wish to include other worldviews and how they complement or complicate your faith. Elaborate on how you plan to continue your study and application of the liberal arts.
3.Jesus Christ as my perspective for learning: spiritual journey/how I see the world.Reflect on who Jesus is and has or hasn’t been to you. Include a brief summary of one or two key events or happenings in your life that have influenced who you are and how you see the world. Elaborate on how you plan to nurture your spiritual development on the journey ahead.
4.Critical participation in the contemporary world:calling/vocation. What gives life meaning to you? What is the life you want to have? Do the two connect with each other? Elaborate on how you are participating in the contemporary world already, and what your plans are to integrate critical participation with your calling/vocation.
Each of the four (4) sections above should comprise at least two (2) double-spaced pages. A proper introduction and conclusion should also accompany a well-written paper for a completed project of approximately ten (10) pages in length. The paper must follow formal style guidelines (APA, MLA, etc.).