Evaluate the need and importance of project communication and develop a communication plan for the project. Ensure your communication plan coversat least 6 stakeholder groups.
You have been appointed as the Project Manager for the project and your CEOhas asked for a strategic report that satisfies the following:
1.Critically evaluate the risk management process and develop a risk register and associated matrices to both identify and perform a risk analysis for dealing with the project stakeholdersand possible environmental impact of the proposed project. An indicative number of 12(6 each)risk issues should be identified and justified.
2.Evaluate the need and importance of project communication and develop a communication plan for the project. Ensure your communication plan covers at least 6 stakeholder groups.
3.Critically analyse equality management process and develop a Quality Management Strategy(QMS)for the project. Ensure your QMS includes details of measures to promote continuous quality improvement.
4.To improve the performance of the construction sector, innovations essential(Ernstsenet al., 2021). There are several technologies gaining prominent cein the construction industry, for instance,a.Internet of Things,Building Information Modelling, Big Data Analytics,Robotics and Automation,Offsite Construction,Unmanned Aerial System,Cloud–based Project Management,Additive Manufacturing,Augment Reality/Virtual Reality,Digital Twin etc
Critical discuss any two of these technologies of your choice and how they can be used on the SEE project at any point in the asset life cycle.Consider the project management triangle in your discussion.