What psychometric tests do you think is appropriate for gathering reliable and valid data for NHS staff retainment?What reliable and justifiable applicable interventions would you recommend?

 Based on the findings of your literature review, what intervention(s) would you recommend to improve employee wellbeing within the NHS? Why? Provide evidence for your recommendations.
1. Given the information on your assignment brief and according to the 2018 findings of the NHS Staff Survey would you say this plan has worked/has been effective? No
2. If so, why not? Remember to use data to back up your assertions!!
3. The data in Point 2 above should focus on the NHS and the health care providers in order for you to be able to make a convincingly line of argument.
Considering all the points above evaluate the following
4. What psychometric tests do you think is appropriate for gathering reliable and valid data for NHS staff retainment?
5. What reliable and justifiable applicable interventions would you recommend?
6. Why would you recommend Point 5? What are your evidences that the intervention works?
7. Finally, consider whether you can identify and justify training needs following your evaluation.