Write a synopsis with information from your observation. Finally, create a classroom-type of activity that addresses the unique needs of the student you observed.
Find a video on YouTube or another platform that allows you to observe a child. Next, use any observation technique that you choose to collect data on the child. Write a synopsis with information from your observation. Finally, create a classroom-type of activity that addresses the unique needs of the student you observed. Think about an introduction activity, an individual and/or small group experience, and a closing wrap up. Use research to back up your ideas.
Cover Page-Include your name, course title, and assignment title.
Synopsis-Include a link to the video you used for this project. Give details about what you observed and be specific with regard to the three domains we learned about. Use references throughout this section. Include the tool you used to collect data . Write about the activity plan you will design to meet the needs of the student. Give concrete details. This section should be at least three paragraphs long.