Why is the urine “tea-colored?” What are some other interventions that could have been done?
Renal Trauma
Read the scenario below, and answer the questions. When you see a that means a clue.
The Story
It is Friday the 13th and a full moon. You are an LPN that normally works on a medical-surgical unit, but your unit is overstaffed, and the emergency department is short staffed. The nursing supervisor asks for a volunteer to go down to be an extra pair of hands. You volunteer as tribute. When you get to the ER, you are asked to do vitals on a client in the trauma room. The client is a 24-year-old male who was stabbed multiple times to the abdomen.
One hour later, the client becomes unconscious. His pulse is now 144, and blood pressure is 70/50. The client is taken to the OR and has a nephrectomy for a very damaged and bleeding right kidney.
Answer the following questions:
What were the clues in the data collection that should have alerted you and the staff that there might be a problem?
Why is the urine “tea-colored?”
What are some other interventions that could have been done?