Outline and apply the formal procedure for judicial review and the HRA s.7 challenge route to the facts.

Julia now seeks to challenge Mersey pool City Council via judicial review. Advise Julia of the following: • the relevant grounds of review for a judicial review challenge for Julia. • the likely outcome for Julia. • the possible remedies for Julia.

Critical thinking and analysis / evaluation
• Fully engage in the question throughout
• Provide analysis and independent thinking of your own
• Acknowledge different views and comment on them

You need to…
• Show clear knowledge and accuracy with the use of law and other legal authorities ie. statutes, CPR, case law.
• Outline and apply the formal procedure for judicial review and the HRA s.7 challenge route to the facts.
• Pay particular attention to legal standing and grounds of review.
• Suggest the likely outcome(s) for Julia based on your analysis.
• Suggest possible remedy(ies) for Julia based on your analysis.
• Structure and present your answer in a clear and legal manner.