Explain whether SoliSpecs Ltd are liable to the London Razors American Football Team. Explore any remedies SoliSpecs Ltd may owe to the London Razors.

You are the Director of Legal at SoliSpecs Ltd, a company which purchases, brands and supplies sunglasses for use by professional athletes.

In your presentation you should:
• Provide an overview of the facts of the case;
• With reference to relevant legal authority, explain whether SoliSpecs Ltd are entitled to compel Cheapo Plastics to deliver the glasses;
• With reference to relevant legal authority, explain whether SoliSpecs Ltd are liable to the London Razors American Football Team. Explore any remedies SoliSpecs Ltd may owe to the London Razors;
• You should identify clearly the parties to the dispute and indicate prospects of success in any legal action;
• Draw your presentation together with a conclusion/ next steps.