What statistical tests will you use to test your null hypothesis? Explain why your chosen statistical tests are appropriate for testing the null hypothesis?
Probability, Distributions, Hypothesis Testing, and Measures Unit V
Probability, Distributions, Hypothesis Testing, and Measures
This is a three-part assignment that will be submitted as one document. You will need a title and reference page for this assignment. You do not need to include the introduction or conclusion sections.
Based on what you have learned about probability and distributions, hypothesis testing, and measures of association, answer the following:
What statistical tests will you use to test your null hypothesis?
Explain why your chosen statistical tests are appropriate for testing the null hypothesis?
How will you determine correlations between variables?
Go to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Table A-1: Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age.
Table A-1 presents the employment status of the civilian population by sex and age and is updated monthly. For this assignment, select the data from the latest available month under the Seasonally Adjusted header column, men, 20 years and over employed and unemployed, and women, 20 years and over, employed and unemployed.
Using any software of your choice and data from Table A-1, develop the following tables and figures, and conduct the following statistical tests.
Create a contingency table and calculate the frequencies.
Create an expected frequencies table.
Calculate the Chi-Square statistic.
Calculate the t-Statistic.
Develop a standard scatter plot for the variables.
Determine if your data level is nominal, ordinal, or continuous. Then calculate the Phi coefficient for nominal level data, Gamma for ordinal level data, or Pearson’s r for continuous level data.