Develop a problem statement, purpose statement, and research questions with corresponding set of hypotheses for your intended dissertation research that will use a quantitative approach.
Use a simple quantitative research study in the Criminal Justice -Policing field . Be sure to keep your quantitative research simple. The focus of the course is learning quantitative research methodology and design.
Develop a problem statement, purpose statement, and research questions with corresponding set of hypotheses for your intended dissertation research that will use a quantitative approach. You may want to use the Methods Map to provide an overview of a quantitative approach. When using the map, it is recommended that you begin with “Quantitative Data Collection,”
This is to be based on: (1) the review of the literature in your topic area; (2) the identification of a problem based on your analysis of this literature; (3) evidence for a research-worthy problem; (4) well formulated research question(s) and hypotheses; and (5) your understanding of the alternative types of quantitative research studies.