What are two ideas about the emergence of individualism during this period known as the Enlightenment that you found interesting and relevant?
“The Enlightenment,” “What is Enlightenment?” and Moliere’s Tartuffe
Read “The Enlightenment” section in The Norton Anthology of Western Literature.
1. What are two ideas about the emergence of individualism during this period known as the Enlightenment that you found interesting and relevant?
2. Describe the role reason held in relation to deism during the Enlightenment
After reading Moliere’s Tartuffe, including intro on Moliere and to the play
1. How funny was Tartuffe for you, what is satire, and what’s the purpose of such satire?
2. Cleante understands and speaks wisely, with self-control and moderation, and Elmire and Dorine concretely insist that other characters rationally face the reality before them. find a passage in Tartuffe which helps you discuss and illustrate such understanding and insistence.