Identify clearly which recent children and family policy or practice issues to be discussed.
2500 words essay in Children and families: Policy and Practice module in ( Health and Social Care Management and Policy). Essay topic: An analysis of how theoretical framework of FGM impacts policies and practice in the UK.
Identify clearly which recent children and family policy or practice issue (s) to be discussed.
State rational for this and establish a clear position in relation to topic title or question may relate to policy or theory.
Identify the essay structure i . e which theory or partnership issues to be discussed, ensure you include children’s right.
Main body of essay
No headings are required, but order your work logically depending on which theory policy and practice.
Ensure your discussion includes partnership inform policy and/ or practice.
Ensure consistent discussion i.e a critical analysis that covers policy or practice debates.
Identify limitations of both the research and/ or essay.
Use a constructionist perspective to critically discuss the policy and / or practice.
Summarise the key argument(s) and any implications for further research.