How can you use this awareness to address and challenge social inequalities in your future role as a social worker?
Assignment title: Select one of the protected characteristics under The Equality Act
2010. Drawing upon relevant theory and research, explain why people identifying with such characteristics are likely to experience discrimination and oppression. How can you use this awareness to address and challenge social inequalities in your future role as a social worker?
The characteristic that I have chosen is Race
ways in which white people who aren’t white experience discrimination
Introduction- what does race mean? Link to discrimination
Include the following and link this to the chosen characteristic which is race:
Statistics- life expectancy E.G: if you live in a posh are race isn’t questioned but if you live in a white are with strong views of EDL then its race discrimination etc
Poverty: low house income? Single parent family? Can they afford tuition? Can they live on benefits and still survive after payed bills? How can this effect race?
Jobs- why people cant get them?
Health- access to services, long waiting queue?
Police responses- lateness why ? link this to the chosen characteristic