Will you make your date available on OSF? How will you make sure your analyses are replicable and available? What other information will you make openly available?

Interoception and Adherence to Medication for Chronic Ilnesses

Ethics assignment
1) What are the risks associated with your research or review and how will you manage the risks?
Potential topics to include:
What are the risks?
How will you manage the risks?
Does the study involve any vulnerable populations?
How will you manage consent and withdrawal?
If it is a systematic review, how will you make sure it follows the gold standard.
2) How will you make sure that your data, analyses and results are replicable and openly available? If not possible, please explain why data and analyses will not be made available.
Potential topics to include:
Why is it important that data and analyses are replicable and openly available?
Will you make your date available on OSF?
How will you make sure your analyses are replicable and available?
What other information will you make openly available?