Do NGOs consider the elaboration of selection criteria when selecting suppliers?What are the main selection criteria NGOs consider when selecting suppliers?
NGO Procurement – References – Extra
This order is about supporting the following: “Decision-making impact in the Flow of Relief in Post-Conflict Areas: The case of NGOs in Gaza”.
Task description:
The research topic is about procurement in NGOs operating in these post-conflicted areas, particularly finding out how procurement is according to theories, compare the findings to what is implemented in practice, and try to find ways to improve the existing procedures.
Its aim is to briefly analyse various references in relation to the following questions:
Q1: Do NGOs have a set of processes for selecting suppliers?
Q2: Do NGOs consider the elaboration of selection criteria when selecting suppliers?
Q3: What are the main selection criteria NGOs consider when selecting suppliers?
Q4: How do NGOs make decisions concerning procurement?
Q5: How do NGOs implement related decisions?