Does the introduction present and describe the materials under analysis? Does the introduction point to the specific elements or approach to that analysis?

You can write about any texts that we have read this semester. You can analyze any formal aspects and connect those aspects to the larger themes or meanings. You might focus on just one text or several. You can write about the ways texts relate to and inform each other, examining the similarities and the points of departure between them as long as you are making an argument about the text or texts, closely reading passages from the text or texts, and using outside sources to help you communicate your reading of it.

Here are questions to ask yourself about the structural aspects of your paper:

Does the introduction present and describe the materials under analysis?

Does the introduction point to the specific elements or approach to that analysis?

Is there a clearly articulated thesis that states precisely what the essay’s argument is?

Is the paper structured along the lines of that argument, taking the reader through each aspect of the article?