Critically assess the claim that evolutionary and comparative psychology are important for understanding human behaviour.

Discuss this question generally or you may focus on a specific behaviour to contextualise your answer e.g. reproductive or competitive behaviour. You can contrast evolutionary and non-evolutionary theories to help answer this question. You must draw on non-human research.


This assessment assesses the following module learning outcomes:

K1) The ability to explain and discuss key theories and evidence from the study of evolutionary psychology and animal behaviour

K2) The ability to discuss implications of research on animal behaviour for our understanding of human and non-human animals

Note that to pass the assessment, all learning outcomes must be met.

Below is the explanation of the 3 files attached:

1. This is the assignment brief on what needs to be done and what are the learning outcomes.

2. This is extra info on what is expected. More like a supporting document to 1st file.

3. This file was given by the lecturer suggesting a few research papers that we can use to do the essay. It would be very beneficial if we make maximum use of this please as it was suggested by the lecturer himself.

4. This pdf has the feedback from the lecturer on the failed assignment for your reference as mentioned inside the 1st file attached above file