Is the local area a village, town or city? Is the local area urban or rural or a combination? Is the community population growing or declining in general?

Education in Toller

When gathering information to build a Community Profile you need to research widely and include in your community profile demographics of the population and the health needs of the specific ward. You need to consider the area you are focusing on and research the health of the population within the ward.

This link provides information about public health within the Bradford District.

Question to consider
Brief summary of history and description of the area
Is the local area a village, town or city?
Is the local area urban or rural or a combination?
Is the community population growing or declining in general?
What is the physical character of the local area? E.g. lots of green spaces, large houses, rural lanes What type of housing? Council, private owned, private rented, general housing stock? Back to back terraced housing, large detached houses?