Analyze and explain how that scene communicates the role of queer sexuality in the space Chiron inhabits, or choose a scene that challenges or re-envisions popular conceptions of gay men and explain and analyze how the film creates this reimagining.

African American Cinema Tues 4/12: Patricia Hill Collins Black Feminist Thought
Thurs 14/14: Moonlight Due: Viewing Response
Viewing Response Question: You have two options for this response. Either select a scene and analyze and explain how that scene communicates the role of queer sexuality in the space Chiron inhabits, or choose a scene that challenges or re-envisions popular conceptions of gay men and explain and analyze how the film creates this reimagining.
Latina/o/x Cinema Tues 4/19: Rosa Linda Fregoso The Bronze Screen
Thurs 4/21: American Me Due: Viewing Response
Viewing Response Question: Explain Fregoso’s multiple critiques of American Me, and, with specific references to Olmos’ film, elucidate where and why you do or do not agree with her criticisms.