Provide a safe and happy environment in which all pupils have the opportunity to develop personally, physically, socially, academically and spiritually.

Special educational needs and disabilities
Aims and Context
This policy has been written with reference to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of.
Practice 2014. It has also been written with reference to sections 29, 35 and 63-65 of the Children and Families Act 2014. This school believes that high quality teaching that is differentiated for all, underpins progress for all pupils, including those with SEND.
It is our aim to:
• Provide a safe and happy environment in which all pupils have the opportunity to develop personally, physically, socially, academically and spiritually.
• Provide a relevant curriculum with a wide range of learning experiences to meet the differing needs of individual pupils whilst offering equality of opportunity and high standards of teaching.
1.Identify and provide support for pupils who have Special Educational Needs and other
related needs.
2. Work towards the guidance contained in the SEND Code of Practice.
3. Operate a ‘whole child’ approach to the management of SEND.
4. Provide a Special Educational Needs Coordinator who will manage the implementation of this
5. Provide advice and support for all staff working with special needs pupils.
6. To ensure all teaching and support staff are involved in planning and meeting the learning needs
of pupils with special educational needs.
7. Ensure that the school liaises effectively with special schools and other outside agencies in
order to meet the needs of staff and pupils.
8. Develop and maintain partnerships with parents.
9. Ensure access to the curriculum for all pupils