What were you thinking and feeling? What was good and bad about the experience? What else can you make of the situation?
Complete the week 10 student reflection/ comment section for each question. the answers will be tailored to the labor and delivery unit and nursery. teachers instructions:
Students will deeply reflect on their on-site clinical experiences to provide evidence of critical thinking, analysis, application, and evaluation of their learning as they progress toward meeting the course learning outcomes. This is the first of two reflections throughout the course, using the clinical evaluation tool found in the left-hand menu of this course. This is not only a recounting of events, nor a “venting” of negatives, but a thoughtful reflection of individual students’ experiences, research, evidence, and reading.
When reflecting on occurrences in the clinical setting students should consider the concepts and stages of Gibbs’ Reflective Model for the writing structure if guidance is needed:
What happened?
What were you thinking and feeling?
What was good and bad about the experience?
What else can you make of the situation?
– What else could you have done?
– If it happens again what would you do?