Critically discuss with rationale how you would respond to this scenario demonstrating safe and effective practice in line with The Code .

Welcome to NURS 1450 Leadership and Management in Adult Nursing
You are about to qualify as an adult nurse which is a complex and diverse field of nursing. The scenarios in this workbook provide you with the opportunity to apply knowledge of professional issues to realistic scenarios that you may face in the workplace.
These scenarios relate to the following professional issues:
Care and compassion
Time Management and prioritisation
Risk management
You should complete two reports centred around a discussion of the professional issue in relation to the outlined scenario. Professional issue 1. Care and compassion is compulsory, you may choose 1 other and for each:
Write a concise report of 1250 words therefore, total word allowance is 2,500. You may use sub-headings to structure your report
Provide an overview of the professional issues raised in the scenario and outline the potential impact of these on patient outcome supported by relevant contemporary evidence.
Critically discuss with rationale how you would respond to this scenario demonstrating safe and effective practice in line with The Code .
You should discuss related professional issues such as leadership, accountability, confidentiality and the patient experience.
You should discuss practice implications in relation to relevant national or professional guidance and policy
You may provide one reference list for both reports.