Which lockdown policies are more effective on reducing the spread of Covid-19 in ASEAN countries?

Health Economics or Developmental economics

Covid-19 began in China and then spread into other countries. It caused a pandemic that made a lot of damage to the health of people and the economy of countries all over the world. Governments have applied different policies to control the spread of this Covid-19 pandemic. Among those approaches were the lockdown policies. With lockdown policies, governments would like to decrease the social contacts between citizens to reduce the spread of virus.
Association of Southeast Asian Nations include 11 countries in Southeast Asia: Brunei,
Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste and Vietnam. This region is next to China and is the home of 647 million people. Because this region is next to China, it was affected by the Covid-19 very soon. In ASEAN countries, the governments applied lockdown policies very soon with the intension to prevent the spread of this virus in their countries. With lockdown policies, a lot of people could not come to schools and workplace, and a lot of businesses went bankrupt. Therefore, it is necessary to do research to understand which lockdown policies are effective to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
2 Research questions
We would like to do this research to answer two following questions:
Do lockdown policies have any effect on reducing the spread of Covid-19 in ASEAN countries?
Which lockdown policies are more effective on reducing the spread of Covid-19 in ASEAN