What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of team?What steps would you take to help the team, its members, and outsiders deal with the perceived lack of talent?

The idea behind this exercise is to challenge our understanding of what makes a team successful: star players or star performance? To prepare for this discussion forum, read the following article and answer the questions in the Initial Post Instructions.

So, which approach to team building do you think would be the best for your program, and more importantly, your sanity? Will you continue to look for as many superstars as you can, knowing that they may not stay around too long? Or, are you willing to pay more attention to complementary role players?

Initial Post Instructions
After reviewing the scenario, address the following questions:

1) What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of team?
2) If you were to decide on the superstar-player approach, how would you deal with the instability within your organization?
3) If you were to take the team/role-player approach, what steps would you take to help the team, its members, and outsiders deal with the perceived lack of talent?
Class textbook MGMT 12 Principles Of Management by Chuck Williams this weeks chapters 8-10