Determine if the article fits the criteria of being a report of a single research study.
Childhood obesity
The topic is on childhood obesity formulate a literature search follow these rule
Identify two current scholarly NURSING RESEARCH articles related to childhood obesity. These articles are to be complete reports of a single research study. Mixed methods, literature reviews, program evaluations, psychometric evaluations, integrative reviews, systematic reviews are not acceptable.
Determine if the article fits the criteria of being a report of a single research study. use articles that meet the requirements from a scholarly peer-reviewed nursing journal
The articles must be from a scholarly, peer-reviewed nursing journal. For example:
Nursing Research, Journal of Nursing Scholarship, and Applied Nursing Research ARE
scholarly nursing journals. Nurse Practitioner, Advance for Nurses, Nursing Spectrum,
and Nursing Standard are NOT scholarly nursing journals. In addition to submitting the
two articles, you will provide an include reference list that includes all the
identified articles AND the corresponding study purpose statement, as noted in the