What does Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis suggest about Gregor Samsa’s work and his transformation? In what way does the transformation comment on his work and/or lifestyle?

No secondary sources are required for this essay, and I would prefer you base your essay on your own interpretation, not on additional research. That said, if you do complete additional research, you must acknowledge whenever words or ideas that you have taken from others appear in your essay. In the case of words directly taken from other sources, these must:

a) Be presented in quotation marks,

b) Followed by a complete MLA formatted citation indicating the origin of the words, and c) a work cited list giving all of the required information for an MLA Work Cited entry. In the case of ideas taken from other sources, you must do ALL of the following:

a) Use signal phases to indicate where ideas originate with others ,

b) Provide MLA formatted citations that give the required information about where the ideas originate,

c) Provide a corresponding Work Cited List entry at the end of the essay that gives all of the information required in MLA format for the cited source, and

What does Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis suggest about Gregor Samsa’s work and his transformation? In what way does the transformation comment on his work and/or lifestyle?