What evidence or examples does the author use to support her/his argument? What did you find difficult to follow?

Reading Guides + Keywords

Read the introduction to find:
Context – back ground statement
Summarise below, in a sentence, what the journal article is about
Key arguments or points: as you read use dot points to note the key arguments or points the author is trying to make.
What evidence or examples does the author use to support her/his argument?
What did you find difficult to follow?

What interested or challenged you in the article?

Main conclusion: identify the main conclusion/s
Adapted from: Nixon D. n.d.
What is the key argument or point of Reading 3? __________________________________________________________________________
Which BABC Report Question keywords does Reading 3 mention?  List a keyword and a citation. The format for a citation is , for example
Are there any limitations of Reading 3? Which keywords does it not address? __________________________________________________________________________