Respond to your peer who chose a different example than your own and expand on the discussion by suggesting how global research could have been improved through the application of ethical best practices.

Read statement below. Respond to your peer who chose a different example than your own and expand on the discussion by suggesting how global research could have been improved through the application of ethical best practices.

Laud Humphreys’ Tearoom study is a good example of unethical research. In his study Humphrey observed clueless individuals engage in homosexual activities in various “tearooms”. Humphrey systematically observed the subjects of his research with an aim of understanding of the rules and roles, patterns of collective action, and risks of the game associated with impersonal gay sex in public restrooms .

According to Babbie, humphrey tracked down some of the subjects and interviewed them to gain a better understanding of their identity, lives, and rationale of engaging in homosexual activities in the said “tearoom”. This research not only violated the subject’s privacy but also didn’t give them the chance to agree or disagree to participate. Babbie , explains that Humphrey research methods of using deception by not revealing himself to the subjects of his research was unethical.

This is not simply a matter of weigh benefits vs risks because the outcomes of the research had nothing positive to offer the subjects. The subjects were not physically harmed but could have been potentially traumatized by the fact that someone was invading their privacy. Humphrey’s research violated the autonomy of the individuals who became part of Humphreys’ study without their knowledge.