Briefly outline the history of Special Education in the United States.
The Butterfly Circus
Special Needs students will make-up a large percentage of your students typical class setting and Health/Physical Education will most likely be the first class students in a confined setting will be mainstreamed into.
Therefore, it is imperative that all teachers understand and be willing to support these students. Most importantly, we need to appreciate the role self- esteem plays in their personal and academic success.
• Locate and independently watch the YouTube, short film, The Butterfly Circus.
Answer the following questions.
1. Describe the time period and setting of the story.
2. Identify all the different characters.
3. What do you consider the turning point of the film?
4. How do you interpret the title, The Butterfly Circus?
5. What character do you most identify with? Why?
6. Briefly outline the history of Special Education in the United States.
7. Identify two Federal laws which specifically deal with education of the special needs student.
8. If you were to form your own Butterfly Circus, whom would you include? What
people do we marginalize or keep on the outside of society because they are different?
9. Who do you consider the hero of the story?
10. What is the role of the school nurse in Special Education?