Utilise academic skills to successfully demonstrate an understanding of evidence based practice and the concept of research in nursing.

Emotional Intelligence in Nursing

LO 1 Demonstrate the ability to utilise research evidence to underpin practice
LO 2 Display the ability to discuss a contemporary nursing related topic.
LO 3 Understand the function and purpose of reflective practice
LO 4 Utilise academic skills to successfully demonstrate an understanding of evidence based practice and the concept of research in nursing.
LO 5 Identify the key concepts in nursing

Task requirements
Emotional Intelligence in Nursing
From your research, choose one peer reviewed journal article, preferably a primary research paper dated within the last 10 years on your chosen topic from above and then:
Write a summary of the chosen article:
in no more than 250 words and in your own words outline the key points of the article. What is the article about?
Provide the full reference for the article using the Harvard style outlined in Cite them Right https://www.citethemrightonline.com/
Please place this as an appendix at the end of your assignment after your reference list.