Analyze this theme or event using your knowledge of the period and book. Be creative here. Could this event or theme have taken place? What’s the point? Why is it interesting to you?
The roles of women in ancient Rome.
Your paper should contain these parts:
• Your introductory material should set up the topic for your audience .
Briefly summarize your topic to orient your reader. Your article statement should come at the end of your introduction. State your in the form of a sentence or two. It should not be in the form of a question.
How you choose to organize this section is up to you, but it must include a summation of each source with an accompanying explanation of its value with regards to your topic or theme. You must draw on at least THREE sources to meet the minimum requirements of this research paper.
•Using the content from the above section, answer/address your thesis statement. Analyze this theme or event using your knowledge of the period and book. Be creative here. Could this event or theme have taken place? What’s the point? Why is it interesting to you? You have creative freedom here.