Evaluate the steps you would take when reviewing the skill mix in the clinical setting of your choice. Discuss how you might balance the financial implications of your actions?
1. As a health care provider, describe how income flows into the organisation of your choice.
2. Evaluate the steps you would take when reviewing the skill mix in the clinical setting of your choice. Discuss how you might balance the financial implications of your actions?
3. You are required to develop a system which would enable you to audit your staffing expenditure on a monthly basis. Offer detailed discussion of your rationale underpinning your system.
4. You are required to give a detailed discussion how you would audit non-staff expenditure on a monthly basis in a clinical setting of your choice. What reasonable cost effective strategy would you implement in order to maintain best practice?
5. You are required to describe in detail essential information which would enable you to successfully manage your staff and non-staff budget. From your earlier information, what do you consider to be key issues in terms of successful management?