Does the content cover additional topics? Then, you will give your opinion of the article or content by critiquing it. For example, what points do you agree with and what objections do you see?
Conducting an Annotated Bibliography
There is an accepted format for an annotated bibliography. You will see this through your own research. The title, author, publisher, and APA citing of the source is the heading for this article. Center this entire heading. Then, a few paragraphs are written to summarize what you learned about the article or topic.
Additional information focuses on why the article was written, or what is the point of the content.
Does the content cover additional topics? Then, you will give your opinion of the article or content by critiquing it. For example, what points do you agree with and what objections do you see? Include other writings that may be similar and how you observed this parallel of the topic by this author. Finally, provide your point of view on the content and why.