Discuss what technological and market factors may impact on the success of collaborations on technological innovations between firms.


The essay question is; Discuss what technological and market factors may impact on the success of collaborations on technological innovations between firms

Here is an outline of what should be included;

– Define collaboration for motivation – the form it takes

– Define technological factors and why collaboration is necessary.

– Define market factors and why collaboration is necessary – for a fully functioning market opportunity.

– Discuss why collaboration is of increase importance to entrepreneurial and innovation small firms – what is the context (why is it important in 2021)

– What is success and failure – whole or partial (if there are some in between patterns that some of it might have been successful or some of it might have been substantially failing)

Also provide a critique of assumptions behind the need for collaborations behind the need for collaboration and on the relative importance of the technological vs market factors

Theory sources:

– Innovation network models

– User innovation models

– Strategic alliances

– Absorptive capacity

– Collaboration for innovation as an interactive process

– Empirical evidence on the content and successes of collaboration

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