Explain and critically analyse the right to education, considering in particular the implications of this right for members of minority groups and the issues raised by this quotation.

1. “Despite the expectation that a human rights court will enhance the protection provided for the rights of those who are at the margin of society and are subject to systematic discriminatory policies, the article argues that the Court fails to recognise Roma children’s status as human rights-holders and thus perpetuates their double marginality—as children and as Roma.”
Noam Peleg, “Marginalisation by the Court: The Case of Roma Children and the European Court of Human Rights” (2018) 18(1) Human Rights Law Review 111 at p. 111.

Explain and critically analyse the right to education, considering in particular the implications of this right for members of minority groups and the issues raised by this quotation.
Suggested starting points
We recommend reading and making notes on these sources as a starting point. It’s still essential to demonstrate your capacity for independent research, by using academic books and law journal articles (available online from Lexis, Westlaw, HeinOnline and Law Trove, as well as in the Law Library).
Noam Peleg, “Marginalisation by the Court: The Case of Roma Children and the European Court of Human Rights” (2018) 18(1) Human Rights Law Review 111 (available from Lexis Library)
DH v Czech Republic (2008) 47 European Human Rights Reports 3
Catherine J van de Heyning “Is it still a sin to kill a mockingbird? Remedying factual inequalities through positive action – what can be learned from the US Supreme Court and European Court of Human Rights case law” [2008] European Human Rights Law Review 376 (available from Westlaw)

2. “Most vaccines have been applied in and reserved for developed and high income countries, whereas vaccination in many least developed and developing countries has not even started. This situation not only represents a discrimination in the right to access to vaccination at the global level but also undermines progress on achieving Sustainable Development Goals”
UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, “Statement on Universal Affordable Vaccination against Coronavirus Disease COVID-19, International Cooperation and Intellectual Property” (2021) 10 International Human Rights Law Review 180, para 1
Explain and critically analyse the right to health, considering in particular the implications of this right for access to vaccination against Covid-19 in low-income countries and taking into account the issues raised by this quotation.