What is the importance of exculpatory evidence during trial?
Discerning relevant evidence is an important government function. The prosecution has the duty to turn over exculpatory evidence to the defense in criminal prosecutions.
Assignment Guidelines
• Address the following in 2-3 pages: o Brief the following cases: ■ Brady v. Maryland ■ Giglio v. United States o Your case briefs should follow the format below: ■ Title: Title of the selected case ■ Facts: Summary of the events, court timeline, evidence, and so forth ■ Issues: Issues that were present in this case ■ Decisions: The court’s decision and the conclusion to the case ■ Reasoning: The rationale behind the final decision ■ Dissenting opinions: Any dissenting opinions, and an explanation of what they were and why they were raised o Address the following questions: ■ What is relevant evidence? Explain in detail. ■ What is exculpatory evidence? Explain in detail. ■ What is the importance of exculpatory evidence during trial? ■ Read and discuss Brady v.
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